[Marketing] Where 2.0 2009

Paul Ramsey pramsey at cleverelephant.ca
Mon Apr 20 17:29:29 EDT 2009

Where 2.0 is creeping up on us! If you are attending and can help out
at the OSGeo booth, or if you are in the San Jose area and can help
with the booth, please visit the wiki page
<http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Where_2.0_2009> and fill in your
information as a volunteer.

We would like some demos at the booth, please fill in the demos area
if you can provide some.

We have four exhibition passes, so you don't need to be a registered
attendee to help with the booth, just be willing to donate a few hours
of time and hang with other OSGeo folks.

Questions, comments, ideas, drop me a line directly, and please fill
in that wiki page!


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