[Marketing] OSGeo benefits

Miguel Montesinos mmontesinos at prodevelop.es
Tue Apr 27 17:58:30 EDT 2010

Hi Jo,
>Cameron thanks for reinforcing the investment-in-community point - i
>plan to emphasise gvSIG and Geomajas as projects that have origins in
>enlightened public administrations - i would love to see the numbers
>that added up to "let's develop our own desktop GIS in house rather than
>buy software licenses"...

It was not only about cost savings. There was a full migration to open source, and there were no GIS desktop tools running on linux (apart from Grass), so it was decided to build a brand-new GIS desktop based on Java (for multiplatform support).

Some studies have been done comparing figures, but IMHO it's like comparing pears and apples, because with privative closed software there were just a few users (around 20-30), and now, as it's free, there are more than 300. That's a gain difficult to compare with previous situation talking only on a cost basis. 

>Hey, this conversation is a lot more fun than making PowerPoint slides.

For sure, Power ¿what? :-P



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