[Live-demo] Re: [Marketing] Marketing artefacts, subversion directories, and source formats

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Sun May 16 06:31:46 EDT 2010

This is certainly getting closer, but I'll add a couple more issues 
which would be highly desirable.

1. Fixed layout:
* I believe each Project Overview should be limited to 1 page, including 
an image. Working in word, a writer can easily see whether they are over 
the page max or not. With a wiki, you need to go through the PDF 
creation to verify page size (which while un-desirable, is an acceptable 
work around).

2. Cut-and-Paste
There are going to be lots of cases where people will want to 
cut-and-paste from overview documents into other marketing material. Eg: 
copying all relevant overviews into a Technology Comparison paper, or 
copying Project Overviews of all projects which support a particular OGC 
standard, for an OGC Standard Overview.

The doc that you copy into will probably have its own formatting 

Cut and paste from a Word doc to Word/Open Office doc is relatively 
easy. Copy from PDF to anything else is painful, because all the 
header/footer information and hard CRs are copied too, and all 
formatting needs to be reapplied.
Copying from HTML may be easier. But again I don't think formatting 
copies across well.

Tyler Mitchell wrote:
> Nice pointer Hamish.  I started to look into this a while back when I 
> actually installed wiki -> latex on our wiki, but I never got back to 
> the PDF stuff.  I wonder how easy it is to get installed.
> I don't see why we can't just keep a text file and images in SVN or 
> even in the wiki.  The barrier to entry is essentially nil.  The 
> layout then would be up to us and our templates.   Then let something 
> else do the layout with a little help from those who know the tools. 
>  I'd volunteer to help run a bunch of the files through a template to 
> produce both the HTML and PDF.  Both of which could be done in a 
> single run of latex.  But if it means opening up a word doc one by one 
> by one by .. twenty+ .. I doubt we'll get any volunteers.
> That's just me and I'm prone to take on more than I can handle.  I'd 
> say to add to the artifacts idea, give them a max number of words for 
> each paragraph, a set number of short bullet points, ask for an image 
> size (as you've done).  We could then give them a template to try it 
> out in - even a word doc.  Once it works, then just save the text 
> files into svn and we can take it from there.
> I could be wrong, but getting simple text files will be hard enough ;-)
> Tyler
> Tyler  
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Hamish <hamish_b at yahoo.com>
> Date: Saturday, May 15, 2010 6:46 pm
> Subject: Re: [Live-demo] Re: [Marketing] Marketing artefacts, 
> subversion directories, and source formats
> To: tech at wildintellect.com, Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter at gmail.com>
> Cc: OSGeo Marketing <marketing at lists.osgeo.org>, 
> "live-demo at lists.osgeo.org" <live-demo at lists.osgeo.org>
> > Cameron:
> > > > (Of note: Wikis do well under the above criteria, but
> > > > wiki->pdf doesn't do well)
> >
> > Hamish:
> > > now it does! see post with links of a few days ago or go to
> > > wikipedia.org and try the brand new "export as pdf" in the
> > > left side frame on any article.
> >
> > example-
> >
> > input:
> > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sea_anemone
> >
> > output:
> > 
> http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Special:Book&bookcmd=render_article&arttitle=Sea+anemone&oldid=362311867&writer=rl
> >
> >
> >      
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Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Director
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

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