[Marketing] Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Re: [Incubator] Defining the Marketingrequirements for OSGeo Incubation

Alex Mandel tech_dev at wildintellect.com
Mon Nov 8 14:15:27 EST 2010

On 11/08/2010 06:53 AM, Bob Basques wrote:
> All, 
> This little piece has been nagging at me during this whole thread.  Rules based on a project that didn't use the rules.  (so to speak  :c) 
> I mean, if I just need to start under the OSGEO umbrella, and then everything is all "incubated", well, I can work with that system.  :c) 
> (as and example . . .) My project(s) might get a little convoluted though as I keep partnering with different groups as we go around the incubation requirements (pure as an example) 
> bobb 
> . . . 
>  Did the OSGeo Live project ever incubate at
> all? Should be easy, maybe you want to apply?

OSGeo Live does not consider itself a project, but rather a distribution
method/marketing product (This has been discussed/debated on the
Live-demo list). We didn't think it was appropriate to incubate since it
basically is driven by the Marketing Committee's needs. Do people
consider Ubuntugis and OSGeo4W projects that should also apply for

As for the duplication of materials, the idea has been that the current
information is somewhat unmaintainable and difficult to reuse. At one
time there were 1 page printable descriptions of each project but that
proved impossible without the projects constantly updating the content
in a fixed format. We're hoping that making minor edits twice a year to
the content in a text file without worrying about the layout will make
that easier.

The project overviews created for OSGeo Live are intended to be used on
the web, disc and in print. We're specifically using Sphinx with the
goal of being able to create print material that is up to date on demand.

For example, finding quality logo's for all the projects is quite a
task. Since there isn't one folder in svn or the website to pull them
from. I don't really care if that folder is under the Live part of the
svn tree so long as they are all in one place and of sufficient quality
for web and print(many of them are too small or low res). Note, not all
projects have a page on the osgeo.org site, many of them actually go
directly to their homepages.

OSGeo Live isn't trying to force rules on Incubation, we're simply
asking if everyone thinks that Marketing materials is an important part
of a project graduating. If so, we want to have a nice checklist of what
those materials ought to be and we want to find a way to ensure that
they get done. We're aiming for quality, to make it easy to show off
OSGeo projects.

I do think my opinion here does vary slightly from Cameron's in how
"required" some parts should be, but agree that having the basic
marketing materials seems like a good indicator to the greater public
that a project is stable and of reasonable quality (whether or not thats


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