[Marketing] Re: OSGeo Google+ Account

Jody Garnett jody.garnett at gmail.com
Thu Nov 10 07:24:39 EST 2011

> > There is some evidence that several people can manage a page; but I have not
> > found a volunteer to try that on. Do you mind if I try that with your google+ id?
> > 
> Yes, please do.
Apparently I have to wait[1] for that feature to be rolled out.

"At first, whoever creates the page initially will also be the page administrator. No one else will be able to admin that page after them, at first. Nor can that page be transferred to someone else.

Multiple administrator support is promised in the near future, but until it arrives, it seems important that if your company has a social media manager, that person should be the one to create the account."

So we wait for a bit.

[1] http://searchengineland.com/google-pages-now-open-for-businesses-brands-places-more-100217 
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