[Marketing] [Board] IRS 501c3 Requirement: renaming Marketing Committee to Outreach Committee

Dr. Franz-Josef Behr franz-josef.behr at hft-stuttgart.de
Fri Nov 30 02:25:20 PST 2012

I also second this. AS far as I know ISO and other institutions like OGC use also the term "outreach" to describe their intentions and activities.


Am 30.11.2012 10:57, schrieb Seven:
> Hash: SHA1
> Am 2012-11-29 23:19, schrieb Alex Mandel:
>> I think it makes sense to do it.
> I second this. We have had several name changes in this committee and
> to be honest, we are not really marketeers and we do not really aspire
> to be. We are advocates and that list is probably the best proof of
> how we work. One previous name was "Promotion and Visibility
> Committee", quite a mouthful and we'd probably not want the
> "Promotion" bit anymore.
> "Outreach" sounds good to me and would get my support.
> Cameron,
> I also offer to help redirecting, renaming and changing what is needed
> in web site and wiki, have done it before and even now there are still
> old references, so a clean-up wont hurt anyway.
> Cheers,
> Arnulf
>> Background, our application for non-profit status in the US is
>> held up at the moment by the IRS who isn't sure if we qualify.
>> 501c3 orgs have to be in the public interest and clearly
>> demonstrate that. To get 501c3 as opposed to some other 501c# would
>> mean that donations from the US would be tax deductible and we'd be
>> able to apply for many grants that require such a tax status.
>> The IRS can be quite picky about what they perceive to be
>> commercial and in order to demonstrate that our mission is in the
>> public interest and not commercial, changing the committee name
>> makes sense.
>> I can't decide if it's a good idea to mention we hand out
>> OSGeo-Live for free and give talks on the topic to encourage more
>> users of geospatial tools in general.
>> At this point I'm sure it's just a guess by our attorney, but it is
>> their job to figure this out.
>> I'll just note, when considering naming in regards to the IRS you
>> have think about the US interpretation of the word, no other
>> context matters.
>> Thanks, Alex
>> PS: Any alternate names to choose from?
>> On 11/29/2012 03:01 PM, Cameron Shorter wrote:
>>> Daniel, I'm open to the suggestion, but only if we can see
>>> reasonable value in it, as name changing is a bit messy. It
>>> means that web pages and archives point to old URLs which
>>> becomes confusing for someone searching for prior information.
>>> Can you please provide some background explaining that this is
>>> more than just a minor hunch that we are basing a name change on.
>>> Maybe: * Who is suggesting it? * Is there any real or anecdotal
>>> evidence they can point to?
>>> On 30/11/2012 7:33 AM, Daniel Morissette wrote:
>>>> Board, Marketing Committee,
>>>> One of the things that came out of my discussions with our
>>>> attorney around the OSGeo vs IRS 501c3 questions is renaming
>>>> the "Marketing Committee" to "Outreach Committee" or another
>>>> name along those lines which would be better perceived in a
>>>> non-profit context (i.e. less commercial).
>>>> Would there be any problem with this name change? This is one
>>>> thing that we would like to propose in our response to the
>>>> IRS. See the answer to question #1 at
>>>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/501c3_Application:_Questions_from_IRS,_September_2012
> Daniel
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