[Marketing] random catchup on sponsorship

Jody Garnett jody.garnett at gmail.com
Thu Jun 23 11:39:15 PDT 2016

Question for the marketing committee, since it is a bit about the messaging
on our website.

With a revised sponsorship approach we are collecting more sponsors (yay!)


One surprise this year is collecting bronze sponsors (this was at the $500
USD level) that are not directly from our industry. Is this something we
should care about from a marketing/branding perspective?

Background: The original intension here was to have a way for small
business to be represented in our organization by offering a lower price
point. The cumulative sponsorship (combining support of OSGeo events,
projects, initiatives) also meets this need.

One idea (for next year) is to ask sponsors for a link to their open source
landing page (example <http://www.gatewaygeomatics.com/services.html>,
example <http://www.mapsolutions.com.au/products/quantum-gis.aspx>, example
<http://www.mapgears.com/en/technologies/>, example
Jody Garnett
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