[Marketing] [Board] Request for approval

Jody Garnett jody.garnett at gmail.com
Sun Feb 5 11:35:29 PST 2017

Thanks Marc.

I would like to ask Micheal if any sponsorship has come through for 2017,
allowing the board to have a better financial picture for the year ahead.

Micheal (and the recently rediscovered financial committee) are I believe
catching up at the Daytona code sprint this week.

Is it okay if we answer your request by the end of the week? That is before
the deadline on the 10th.

On Sun, Feb 5, 2017 at 11:28 AM Marc VLOEMANS <marcvloemans1 at gmail.com>

> Dear Board,
> The Marketing Committee is currently  in the process of enlisting quotes
> for the OSGeo rebrand and website from various agencies that we have
> selected from the EoI. Due date for these quotes is 10 february 2017. After
> which we will to choose the agency that will carry out the work in order to
> have the project finished in time for FOSS4G2017.
> As we have understood, the Board has approved an initial 30K for this
> initiative. In order to arrive at the original budget request of 50K, we
> suggest to:
> - carry over the remaining 12K from the Marketing Budget 2016
> - assign the 8K as not required by the SAC to the Marketing Budget 2017
> Thus we arrive at a total of 50K as a maximum for the initiative.
> On behalf of the Marketing Committee I ask you for a formal apporval of
> the above.
> Kind regards,
> Marc Vloemans
> Mobile +31(0)651 844262
> LinkedIn: http://nl.linkedin.com/in/marcvloemans
> Twitter: http://twitter.com/marcvloemans
> http://www.slideshare.net/marcvloemans
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Jody Garnett
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