[Marketing] [Live-demo] code sprint, content migration, generation starts now

Jody Garnett jody.garnett at gmail.com
Tue Jul 25 22:06:07 PDT 2017

Going back to the logos:
- the logos may not communicate - but they are *impressive*. For those
wondering if open source is real perhaps seeing so much software they have
never heard of would be an incentive to wonder what they are missing out on?
- Another possible use for the logos = at the booth and circle software a
visitor you think a visitor would be interested in looking at (right now I
usually write the names on a buisness card for them).
- perhaps make this a double sided information sheet with the logos on the
- the GEOS one has a white background (not transparent) so it does not look
correct over one of the triangles.

Jody Garnett

On 25 July 2017 at 14:53, Luca Delucchi <lucadeluge at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 25 July 2017 at 20:22, Jody Garnett <jody.garnett at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Small correction Luca - I created logo [1] the one provided by the
>> designer is here:
> ok
>>>>  Live
>> <https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B08AjQ2hqLipanhGY3pFZ2Vkc2c>
>>>> I really like the grass handout; it is hard for me to make sense of the
>> osgeo live handout and all the logos (I will have to think about it).
> yes I'm also not really happy about the osgeo live flyer, to many logos.
> Tomorrow I will create new a new version with names instead logos. But at
> that point some more text or another image is needed... any idea?
> --
> ciao
> Luca
> www.lucadelu.org
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