[Marketing] [OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo symbols set

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Tue Nov 20 03:10:00 PST 2018

Nicolas, these symbols look very impressive!

As Kristian noticed, there are a few OSGeoLive projects which have logos 
which are not as creative as what you have been creating. (See 
https://live.osgeo.org/en/presentation.html ) I'd be happy to help point 
you to our OSGeoLive points of contact for each project if you would 
like to ask them if you'd like to draw them a logo.

What are your thoughts on logo colours? I'm guessing it would be quite a 
bit of work to adopt logo colours into the SVG?

Once you are done, we should probably be including your logos into the 
OSGeoLive documentation.

Nice work, Cameron

On 20/11/18 8:01 am, Kristian Evers wrote:
> Nicolas,
> Very impressive work!
> Regarding projects that doesn’t already have logo, would you be 
> interested in coming up with logo suggestions for those projects? I 
> can only speak for the PROJ project, but I am sure all projects 
> without a logo would be interested in having one. At least a new logo 
> for PROJ would be very welcome!
> Good job,
> Kristian
>> On 19 Nov 2018, at 21:28, nicolas bozon <nicolas.bozon at gmail.com 
>> <mailto:nicolas.bozon at gmail.com>> wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I have finally been able to put together and publish a first version 
>> of the OSGeo symbols set.
>> This is a visual representation of the OSGeo projects and activities 
>> aimed at supplementing the Foundation branding material.
>> A preview of the OSGeo symbols set is available here:
>> https://nbozon.github.io/OSGeo/symbols-set/
>> The 48 symbols fall into four categories:
>> - Foundation (OSGeo fundamentals represented by 'Variations on the 
>> Compass')
>> - Initiatives (mostly based on the compass shape too)
>> - Projects (derived OSGeo project logos)
>> - Community (derived Community projects logos)
>> The set is made of two parts, both copyrighted OSGeo:
>> - The source SVG documents, licensed under CC-BY-SA
>>  (see 
>> https://github.com/nbozon/osgeo/tree/OSGeo-symbols-set/marketing/branding/symbols/svg)
>> - A cross-browser webfont, licensed under OFL.
>> (see 
>> https://github.com/nbozon/osgeo/tree/OSGeo-symbols-set/marketing/branding/symbols/font) 
>> Important notes:
>> - Some projects do not have a logotype, only logotext, and cannot be 
>> included in the set at this stage (namely PROJ, GEOS, OSSIM and Degree).
>> - Some projects logos were heavily modified or redrawn, in order to 
>> ensure constistency and scalability. I'm listening to project owners 
>> feedbacks and will be glad to work towards better solutions if needed.
>> - All 48 symbols are made available as black SVG. The 16 Foundation 
>> and Initiatives icons are also available in color, based on our brand 
>> guidelines.
>> - This work may not be exhaustive and is subject to change.
>> Hope you will like it !
>> Reviews, comments and ideas are most welcome in the related PR:
>> https://github.com/OSGeo/osgeo/pull/206
>> Best regards,
>> Nicolas Bozon
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Cameron Shorter
Technology Demystifier
Open Technologies and Geospatial Consultant

M +61 (0) 419 142 254

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