[Marketing] FW: [geomoose-psc] GeoMoose 3.6.0 Released!

Basques, Bob (CI-StPaul) bob.basques at ci.stpaul.mn.us
Thu May 28 07:01:18 PDT 2020

GeoMoose 3.6.0 Released:

Very pleased to announce the latest release of GeoMoose!

Nearly three months in the making this release contains a number of great additions. The highlights include:

- i18n Support! And now shipping with an English and Spanish Dictionary! (https://geomoose.github.io/gm3/howto/add-a-language.html)
- Drawing and Markup layer now supports labels!
- A number of new search options to simplify search for users (https://geomoose.github.io/gm3/howto/configure-search-or-fields.html)
- OpenLayers and React are fully updated!
- A number of internal bug fixes were found along the way and have been fixed.
- A new plugin architecture for advanced integration: https://geomoose.github.io/gm3/howto/add-a-plugin.html

Read the full release notes: https://www.geomoose.org/releases/3.6.0.html

This should be a seamless upgrade from any 3.X GeoMoose application. There are some CSS updates that may require some tweaks to interface customizations.

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