[Marketing] MapScaping Posdast - first podcast sponsored by OSGeo 2021 is there

Astrid Emde (OSGeo) astrid_emde at osgeo.org
Sat May 8 11:37:25 PDT 2021

Hello all,

I worked on the resouce page for the MapScaping podcast. Please review 
and give feedback or suggest enhancements.


The first podcast sponsored by the 2021 budget is there :)

It is with Paul ramsey about GDAL. Great listening.

It is not on the podcast page yet . but wehen it is there we could write 
a news item to promote the podcast.

In the meantime my todo is to write the mail to the projects-list. I 
will work on it soon.

See you



Astrid Emde
OSGeo Board Member and OSGeo Secretary
Open Source Geospatial Foundation
astrid_emde at osgeo.org

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