[Marketing] OSGeo materials for the Oceania Geospatial Symposium

Adam Steer adam.d.steer at gmail.com
Thu Nov 10 00:37:35 PST 2022

Hi marketing / outreach folks

I'm going to New Caledonia on 26 nov - 4 dec, and will be talking
about OSGeo there. it is just me and a talk, no booth or anything

Is there enough time to send a few stickers and other small materials
(are any OSGeo live USBs still around?) to Noumea in New Caledonia? If
so, great - I can get an address to send things to.

I'd also like to get an OSGeo logo tshirt from the redbubble store -
and send it to the same address in Noumea so I can wear it at my talk,
and around :D.  I'm happy to do whatever artwork is needed using
OSGeo's materials, that will likely need doing pretty quickly - its
already very soon for print on demand delivery times.



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