[MDAL-Developer] Python-Bindings

Paul Harwood runette at gmail.com
Mon May 31 02:59:19 PDT 2021

Version 0.9.1 with a more pythonic API - it is better (thanks Martin).
Apart from doc changes, I will probably leave it as is now for the time
being - it does what I need and I have to complete my app.

from mdal import Datasource, Info, last_status

print(f"MDAL Version:  {Info.version}")
print(f"MDAL Driver Count :{Info.driver_count}")

for driver in Info.drivers:

ds = Datasource("data/ply/test_mesh.ply")

mesh = ds.load(0)
print(f"Driver : {mesh.driver_name}")
print(f"Vertex Count : {mesh.vertex_count}")
print(f"Face Count : {mesh.face_count}")
print(f"Largest Face: {mesh.largest_face}")
print(f"Edge Count : {mesh.edge_count}")
print(f"CRS : {mesh.projection}")
print(f"Mesh extent : {mesh.extent}")
print(f"DatasetGroup Count : {mesh.group_count}")

vertex = mesh.vertices
print(f"Vertex Array Shape : {vertex.shape}")

faces = mesh.faces
print(f"Face Array Shape : {faces.shape}")

edges = mesh.edges
print(f"Edges Array Shape : {edges.shape}")


group = mesh.group(0)
print(f"DatasetGroup Name : {group.name}")
print(f"DatasetGroup Location : {group.location}")
print(f"Dataset Count : {group.dataset_count}")
print(f"Group has scalar values : {group.has_scalar}")
print(f"Group has temporal values : {group.is_temporal}")
print(f"Reference Time : {group.reference_time}")
print(f"Maximum Vertical Level Count : {group.level_count}")
print(f"Minimum / Maximum ; {group.minmax}")
print(f"Metadata : {group.metadata}")

for i in range(0, group.dataset_count):
    data = group.data_as_double(i)
    time = group.dataset_time(i)
    print(f"Dataset Shape for time {time} : {data.shape}")


meshio = mesh.meshio()

On Mon, 31 May 2021 at 10:10, Paul Harwood <runette at gmail.com> wrote:

> good feedback ...
> I may have been spending too much of my time in the C# universe recently :(
> On Mon, 31 May 2021 at 09:41, Martin Dobias <wonder.sk at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Paul
>> Looking great!
>> I understand this is still work in progress, may I just suggest to make
>> the API look more pythonic, by using snake case (face_count) instead of
>> camel case (faceCount)... Maybe also avoid using "get" prefix in getters?
>> Regards
>> Martin
>> On Sat, May 29, 2021 at 2:46 PM Paul Harwood <runette at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> As promised - I have been working on some Python Bindings. I now have a
>>> 0.9.0b1 type release :
>>> See https://github.com/ViRGIS-Team/mdal-python
>>> There is a conda install for this in the process of being created.
>>> There is some documentation in the process of being created.
>>> Currently, this integration can:
>>> - read all MDAL compatible file formats,
>>> - access the metadata for the source,
>>> - access the vertex, face and edge data as NumPy arrays,
>>> - access 'double' datasets (both scalar and vector) as NumPy arrays, and
>>> - convert the MDAL source mesh into a meshio mesh object (with some
>>> restrictions currently).
>>> - This version does not currently allow the MDAL source mesh to be
>>> written or amended.
>>> Note this very much beta and has not been comprehensively tested. The
>>> following script has been run successfully on a number of different test
>>> files and shows the usage.
>>> All comments and improvements welcome.
>>> """
>>> import mdalfrom mdal import Datasource
>>> print(f"MDAL Version:  {mdal.getVersionString()}")print(f"MDAL Driver Count :{mdal.getDriverCount()}")print(mdal.getLastStatus())
>>> for driver in mdal.getDrivers():
>>>     print(driver.long_name)
>>> ds = Datasource("data/ply/test_mesh.ply")print(ds.meshes)
>>> mesh = ds.load(0)print(f"Driver : {mesh.driverName}")print(f"Vertex Count : {mesh.vertexCount}")print(f"Face Count : {mesh.faceCount}")print(f"Largest Face: {mesh.largestFace}")print(f"Edge Count : {mesh.edgeCount}")print(f"CRS : {mesh.projection}")print(f"Mesh extent : {mesh.extent}")print(f"DatasetGroup Count : {mesh.groupCount}")print("")
>>> mesh = ds.load(ds.meshes[0])print(f"Driver : {mesh.driverName}")print(f"Vertex Count : {mesh.vertexCount}")print(f"Face Count : {mesh.faceCount}")print(f"Largest Face: {mesh.largestFace}")print(f"Edge Count : {mesh.edgeCount}")print(f"CRS : {mesh.projection}")print(f"Mesh extent : {mesh.extent}")
>>> vertex = mesh.getVertices()print(f"Vertex Array Shape : {vertex.shape}")
>>> faces = mesh.getFaces()print(f"Face Array Shape : {faces.shape}")
>>> edges = mesh.getEdges()print(f"Edges Array Shape : {edges.shape}")
>>> print("")
>>> group = mesh.getGroup(0)print(f"DatasetGroup Name : {group.name}")print(f"DatasetGroup Location : {group.location}")print(f"Dataset Count : {group.datasetCount}")print(f"Group has scalar values : {group.hasScalar}")print(f"Group has temporal values : {group.isTemporal}")print(f"Reference Time : {group.referenceTime}")print(f"Maximum Vertical Level Count : {group.levelCount}")print(f"Minimum / Maximum ; {group.minmax}")print(f"Metadata : {group.getMetadata()}")
>>> print("")
>>> data = group.getDataAsDouble(0)print(f"Dataset Shape : {data.shape}")
>>> """
>>> (see next email to see results from this code)
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