[MDAL-Developer] MDAL, Python and QGIS

Paul Harwood runette at gmail.com
Thu Dec 1 05:04:49 PST 2022

You will remember that there are Python bindings for MDAL

These were upgraded to both Read and Write earlier in the year, although
the documentation is running way behind :(

In response to a request, these are now available from PyPI as `pip install
mdal-python`. In a similar way to GDAL and PDAL, these pip based bindings
will only work if MDAL is already installed on the machine.

The request also asked if mdal could then be used in the QGIS Python

The current state is that `pip install mdal-python` can be used in the
OSGEO shell and works correctly and the Python bindings package is then
accessible in the Python Console but it does not work because MDAL (in the
form of mdal.dll / libmdal.so / libmdal.dylib) is not installed in QGIS.

I thought that QGIS was using MDAL but I guess it is installed in a
different way.

Does anyone know how this can be addressed?
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