[MetaCRS] proj4js svn

Jody Garnett jgarnett at refractions.net
Thu Jul 10 23:03:25 EDT 2008

Before you give up talk to Adrian Custer; Adrian just performed a 
similar set of heroic actions to untangle the udig and geotools 
codebases into separate repositories. Perhaps he has some scripts and 
advice that can help. Now the split is not perfect; the uDig code base 
retains some geotools class entries (for code that was migrated between 
the two projects) - but the end result is a "clean" GeoTools codebase - 
which we hope to port to OSGeo hardware :-)

Adrian do you have any advice - or have we completely lost you to the 
joys of Mercurial?

Mike Adair wrote:
> We've been trying to untangle the mapbuilder svn to create a new svn 
> repository for proj4js, (http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/ticket/258) 
> however there has been so much moving and copying that it seems 
> practically impossible to do.
> So I'm looking for options on how to get this done.  The only option I 
> can think of now is to create the new repository from an export.  This 
> won't re-create all the history however, but the logs would still live 
> in the mapbuilder SVN which I could point people to.
> Any other ideas?
> Mike
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