[MetaCRS] An Introduction

Sunburned Surveyor sunburned.surveyor at gmail.com
Mon May 5 11:07:59 EDT 2008

I've just subscribed to the MetaCRS mailing list. I'd like to make a
short introduction, and then I have a couple of questions that I would
like to ask.

My name is Landon (A.K.A  The Sunburned Surveyor) and I work as a Java
programmer on OpenJUMP. I also work as a land surveyor, so I have a
particular interest in map projections, datums, geoids, and other fun
stuff like that. (Disclaimer: I am not a geodisist by trade, and I
know just enough about map projections to be really dangerous.)

I am interested in MetaCRS for one primary reason: There are several
CRS libraries currently in use among FOSS GIS Java programmers, and I
would like to work towards consolidating some of this effort into a
single shared library over the course of the next few years. I don't
know that we will ever get everyone using the same library, but I
think we can establish a common base at a minimum.

I am also interested in sharing as much as possible with CRS libraries
written in other languages. This includes CRS definitions, algorithms,
and test cases.

I'd like to know if this mailing list would be an appropriate place to
discuss a shared CRS library for FOSS GIS projects. If it isn't, I
should probably consider setting up a separate mailing list where
GeoToos, deegree, and OpenJUMP programmers can debate, argue, and
hopefully come to a consensus. Although a shared Java library will be
my focus, I'd love to contribute to the larger MetaCRS cause as well.

I've posted a short list of issues I think we will need to hammer out
for any shared Java CRS library. You can read these issues here:

I look forward to hearing your comments. I think I have some support
for a shared library among the GeoTools, deegree, and OpenJUMP
communites, and I am willing to spend a couple of hours a week moving
this thing forward if the support from the different projects is
really there.

If this would be an appropriate place to discuss a common CRS library
for Java, I will invite the other interested participants to describe.
If it is not, I will set up an alternative mailing list and will post
the description details here.


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