[MetaCRS] Introduction]]

Martin Desruisseaux martin.desruisseaux at geomatys.fr
Wed May 14 06:03:08 PDT 2008

Hello all

There is no worry, I was not offended at all. As pointed-out in my last email, I 
can understand that some peoples are unhappy with GeoTools implementation for 
whatever reason.

However my point was more targeted toward GeoAPI. This is only an API, not a 
library. It may be bigger than needed, but you don't need to implement 
everything (a lot of methods are marked "optional" - just returns null and you 
are fine). It may be insuffisient for some specialized needs, but you can create 
your own interfaces that extend the GeoAPI interfaces.

Rutger Bezema a écrit :
> So I would like to state again that it would be nice to combine our resources
> and to participate in crs-related discussions, but I must point out that
> different projects may have different needs which can hopefully be taken into
> account to our mutual benefit.

Understood. But the Degree project is unlikely to be totally disconnected to the 
problem adressed by GeoAPI, especially if both of them derive from ISO 19111. If 
we want to share resources on the CRS land, understanding why GeoAPI interfaces 
can't not be used for sharing at least a minimal common ground (keepind in mind 
that implementors are not required to implement all of them, and can extend 
them) would help...


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