[MetaCRS] Motion: Include spatialreference.org project in MetaCRS

Howard Butler hobu.inc at gmail.com
Fri Sep 25 12:53:42 EDT 2009


I would like to motion that we include the spatialreference.org  
project in MetaCRS.  While it has been mostly Chris and I's side  
project, our last iteration garnered some additional development  
support from Josh Livni and Dane Springmeyer.  I have been maintaining  
the subversion repository for it on my own server, and Chris has been  
running the website on his hardware.

I think spatialreference.org can be a significant part of our  
collaboration going forward, and a number of other open source gis  
projects take advantage of the website already.  I would like to  
formalize the relationship of spatialreference.org to OSGeo, give it a  
proper subversion repo / trac instance, and invite other coordinate  
system hackers to come in and help improve the site.  When some  
additional hardware becomes available at TelaScience, we would likely  
move the hosting as well.


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