[MetaCRS] question on GeoTiff axis order

Martin Desruisseaux martin.desruisseaux at geomatys.fr
Fri Dec 17 11:43:29 EST 2010

Hello Frank

Thanks for your reply. I guess that "correct way" means "what the GeoTIFF 
standard said", and that standard at 
http://www.remotesensing.org/geotiff/spec/geotiff2.5.html seems to be silent 
about the axis order. The above page basically just make a reference to a list a 
tables, and the GeoTIFF table at 
ftp://ftp.remotesensing.org/geotiff/tables/horiz_cs.csv explicitely define 
(lat,long) axis order for 4326 and some other CRS.

 From this point of view, the GeoTIFF specification seems to mandate (lat,long) 
axis order. I guess that this is not the intend. Maybe a note somewhere could at 
least put a warning (something like "while the GeoTIFF tables derived from the 
EPSG database put latitude before longitude, the common usage for raster data is 
to display north up and east on the right side"). While I admit that this is 
very fuzzy, it is actually hard to provide an accurate rule applicable also to 
polar area, South Africa, Australia, etc..., and I guess that no one have the 
energy to produce an accurate specification at this time...



Le 17/12/10 17:01, Frank Warmerdam a écrit :
> Johann,
> I think the geotiff mailing list is a better place to ask:
> http://lists.maptools.org/mailman/listinfo/geotiff
> I must admit I am actively hostile to your interest in the correct way,
> vs what is actually done by other producers and consumers of GeoTIFF.
> Best regards,

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