[MetaCRS] Proj4js license

Michael Adair madair at dmsolutions.ca
Fri Mar 30 13:43:22 EDT 2012

Richard, Stephen, Didier, and any other contributors I may have missed,

Does anyone have any objection to moving Proj4js to use a more liberal 
license (I am suggesting the MIT license used by the Proj.4 library)?  
If not, I can make the change and issue a new release.


On 27/03/2012 5:30 PM, Howard Butler wrote:
> On Mar 27, 2012, at 9:29 AM, Michael Adair wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> An issue over the Proj4js license was raised on the OpenLayers mailing list, basically someone can't use it because of the LGPL license.  I'm not sure why that license was chosen but it probably came as a carry-over from the MapBuilder project.  The intention for has always been for there to be no restrictions on using the library, so I'm proposing changing the Proj4js license to use the MIT license.
>> Comments?
> If you are the only contributor, it should be no problem to alter the license of Proj4js to something more permissive. Otherwise, you should expect to get the sign off of all of the other contributors to Proj4js to relicense the code.
> Howard

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