[MetaCRS] Questions about difference of result depending on the version of Proj4js

Clément Ronzon clem.rz at gmail.com
Tue Feb 17 13:04:00 PST 2015


A long time ago I was using the following version of Proj4js:
$Id: Proj.js 2956 2007-07-09 12:17:52Z steven $
Which, was returning 61.541418560123766°N, 24.054804906259587°E when
converting 3343570m, 6829498m from EPSG:2393 (see definition below) to
(follow this link:

Today I'm running my app with version 2.3.4-alpha and it returns a WGS84 a
bit different for the same conversion:
61.5409642803359°N, 24.057490703013173°E
(follow this link:

If someone could explain to me why we have such a difference (151 meters)
and/or which one of those two results should I trust in, I would be very

BTW, Proj4js is a very amazing project/library and is so useful!

Here is the definition of EPSG:2393 I use for both calculations:
+title=KKJ Zone 3 +proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=27 +k=1 +x_0=3500000 +y_0=0
+units=m +no_defs

Thank you.
Clément Ronzon
Retorno Elias Nandino #50 <https://goo.gl/maps/z0Cq5>
Los Encinos 2 etapa 2
83293 Hermosillo, Sonora, MEXICO
Tel. # : 6621 96 18 66
<http://twcc.free.fr> <http://www.grottocenter.org/> <http://www.zakbag.com>
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