[Mobilitydb-dev] Configuring for a Particular PostgreSQL on Ubuntu

Regina Obe lr at pcorp.us
Mon May 23 12:50:43 PDT 2022



I tried your branch and was able to do 




It took longer than the PG14 install though for that to run.  Noticably slower but not a hug deal:


CREATE EXTENSION Query returned successfully in 6 secs 898 msec.


As far as running the tests, it fails for me too, but I’m not sure it’s targeting the right thing, is there a debug setting (sorry not too familiar with cmake).

I however did not bother pre-loading postgis-3, the PG14, PG15 tests I did worked without preload, but maybe it was because I had run some postgis stuff beforehand.


Test project /home/robe/projects/MobilityDB/build

        Start   1: build

  1/114 Test   #1: build ..............................   Passed    0.35 sec

        Start   2: setup

  2/114 Test   #2: setup ..............................   Passed    5.03 sec

        Start   3: create_extension

  3/114 Test   #3: create_extension ...................***Failed   18.16 sec

        Start   5: load_tables

Failed test dependencies: create_extension

  4/114 Test   #5: load_tables ........................***Not Run   0.00 sec

        Start   6: 001_period





From: Regina Obe [mailto:lr at pcorp.us] 
Sent: Monday, May 23, 2022 11:49 AM
To: 'Esteban Zimanyi' <estebanzimanyi at gmail.com>
Cc: 'SAKR Mahmoud' <mahmoud.sakr at ulb.be>; 'SCHOEMANS Maxime' <Maxime.Schoemans at ulb.be>; 'mobilitydb-dev at lists.osgeo.org' <mobilitydb-dev at lists.osgeo.org>
Subject: RE: [Mobilitydb-dev] Configuring for a Particular PostgreSQL on Ubuntu


Great news.  Thanks.  I’ll give it another try. I’ll check on the tests.


I couldn’t run the tests when I changed to compile against PG14 (but queries ran fine), so I suspect the tests might be hard-wired to run against your default PostgreSQL, which in my case is PG15.


From: Esteban Zimanyi [mailto:estebanzimanyi at gmail.com] 
Sent: Monday, May 23, 2022 11:38 AM
To: Regina Obe <lr at pcorp.us <mailto:lr at pcorp.us> >
Cc: SAKR Mahmoud <mahmoud.sakr at ulb.be <mailto:mahmoud.sakr at ulb.be> >; SCHOEMANS Maxime <Maxime.Schoemans at ulb.be <mailto:Maxime.Schoemans at ulb.be> >
Subject: Re: [Mobilitydb-dev] Configuring for a Particular PostgreSQL on Ubuntu


Dear Regina


Many thanks for giving such detailed feedback for solving the issue of the pg_atoi missing function in PG_15. For a quick solution I have copy/pasted the original function that I only enable if PG version >= 15.




Now I can compile and use MobilityDB on PG 15 and PGIS 3.3 without any problem



esteban at ESTEBAN-WORKSTATION:~/src/MobilityDB/build$ psql test
psql (15beta1)
Type "help" for help.

test=# create extension mobilitydb cascade;
NOTICE:  installing required extension "postgis"
test=# select mobilitydb_full_version();
 MobilityDB 1.0.0, PostgreSQL 15beta1, PostGIS 3.3.0
(1 row)

test=# select tintersects(tgeompoint '[Point(1 1)@2000-01-01, Point(3 3)@2000-01-03]',
  tgeompoint '[Point(1 3)@2000-01-01, Point(3 1)@2000-01-03]');
 {[f at 2000-01-01 00:00:00+01, t at 2000-01-02 00:00:00+01], (f at 2000-01-02 00:00:00+01, f at 2000-01-03 00:00:00+01]}
(1 row)




However, I cannot run the MobilityDB regression tests




esteban at ESTEBAN-WORKSTATION:~/src/MobilityDB/build$ make test
Running tests...
Test project /home/esteban/src/MobilityDB/build
        Start   1: build
  1/114 Test   #1: build ..............................   Passed    0.17 sec
        Start   2: setup
  2/114 Test   #2: setup ..............................   Passed    2.97 sec
        Start   3: create_extension
  3/114 Test   #3: create_extension ...................***Failed   16.41 sec
        Start   5: load_tables
Failed test dependencies: create_extension



despite I have modified the postgresql.conf file as required by setting 


shared_preload_libraries = 'postgis-3'


I have the following errors in the file \\wsl$\Ubuntu\home\esteban\src\MobilityDB\build\tmptest\log\create_ext.log <file:///\\wsl$\Ubuntu\home\esteban\src\MobilityDB\build\tmptest\log\create_ext.log> 




psql:/home/esteban/src/MobilityDB/build/test_mobilitydb--1.0.0.sql:17652: NOTICE:  argument type stbox is only a shell
psql:/home/esteban/src/MobilityDB/build/test_mobilitydb--1.0.0.sql:17736: ERROR:  type box2d does not exist
psql:/home/esteban/src/MobilityDB/build/test_mobilitydb--1.0.0.sql:17740: ERROR:  type box3d does not exist
psql:/home/esteban/src/MobilityDB/build/test_mobilitydb--1.0.0.sql:17744: ERROR:  type geometry does not exist
psql:/home/esteban/src/MobilityDB/build/test_mobilitydb--1.0.0.sql:17748: ERROR:  type geography does not exist
psql:/home/esteban/src/MobilityDB/build/test_mobilitydb--1.0.0.sql:17768: ERROR:  type geometry does not exist
psql:/home/esteban/src/MobilityDB/build/test_mobilitydb--1.0.0.sql:17772: ERROR:  type geography does not exist
psql:/home/esteban/src/MobilityDB/build/test_mobilitydb--1.0.0.sql:17776: ERROR:  type geometry does not exist
psql:/home/esteban/src/MobilityDB/build/test_mobilitydb--1.0.0.sql:17780: ERROR:  type geography does not exist
psql:/home/esteban/src/MobilityDB/build/test_mobilitydb--1.0.0.sql:17782: ERROR:  type "box2d" does not exist
psql:/home/esteban/src/MobilityDB/build/test_mobilitydb--1.0.0.sql:17783: ERROR:  type "box3d" does not exist
psql:/home/esteban/src/MobilityDB/build/test_mobilitydb--1.0.0.sql:17784: ERROR:  type "geometry" does not exist
psql:/home/esteban/src/MobilityDB/build/test_mobilitydb--1.0.0.sql:17785: ERROR:  type "geography" does not exist
psql:/home/esteban/src/MobilityDB/build/test_mobilitydb--1.0.0.sql:17800: NOTICE:  type "geometry" is not yet defined




Do you have any idea why this is the case ?


Many thanks for your help





On Sun, May 22, 2022 at 9:12 PM Regina Obe <lr at pcorp.us <mailto:lr at pcorp.us> > wrote:

I have multiple versions of PostgreSQL installed on my Ubuntu server.

I can't figure out how to install against a particular version.

I've tried this:

cd MobilityDB
export PGVER=14
export PGPATH=/usr/lib/postgresql/${PGVER}
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/lib/postgresql/${PGVER}/bin
rm -rf build
mkdir build
cd build
cmake  -DPOSTGRES_PG_CONFIG=$PGPATH/bin/pg_config  ..

and I tried this:

cd MobilityDB
export PGVER=14
export PGPATH=/usr/lib/postgresql/${PGVER}
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/lib/postgresql/${PGVER}/bin
rm -rf build
mkdir build
cd build
cmake  -DPOSTGRES_PG_CONFIG=$PGPATH/bin/pg_config  ..

#I also explicitly tried setting the POSTGRESQL_BIN_DIR via cmake.
Regardless what I do it still outputs:

-- POSTGRESQL_BIN_DIR: /usr/lib/postgresql/15/bin
-- POSTGRESQL_INCLUDE_DIR: /usr/include/postgresql/15/server
-- POSTGRESQL_LIBRARIES: /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu
-- POSTGRESQL_SHARE_DIR: /usr/share/postgresql/15
-- POSTGRESQL_DYNLIB_DIR: /usr/lib/postgresql/15/lib

As I mentioned in this issue, mobilitydb does not work against PostgreSQL 15



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