[Mobilitydb-dev] New branching model

SCHOEMANS Maxime maxime.schoemans at ulb.be
Tue Apr 23 06:49:06 PDT 2024


As you may know, our current development model uses two branches: 
develop and master.
New changes get pushed (with a PR) to develop and we merge develop into 
master only when producing a new release.

With our latest release of MobilityDB 1.1, we are now in a situation 
where we need to develop new features for 1.2, as well as produce 
bug-fixes for the existing 1.1 release in parallel.
With this in mind, I am proposing to switch our branching model to 
follow a trunk-based development similar to what postgresql [1], postgis 
[2] or cpython [3] are using.
This model uses a single master branch (no develop branch), together 
with one branch for each version:
- The master branch is used to produce the next version of the software 
(v1.2 in our current case). This is where most of the development will 
- The version branches are used to produce new releases (with bug-fixes 
or backported features) of an existing version.

Concretely, this means:
- Removing the develop branch
- Start adding features for v1.2 on master through PR's as was done 
previously on develop
- Create a new branch 'stable-1.1', which will be used to produce new 
releases of v1.1

Please let us know if you have any comments / reservations / suggestions 
related to this new approach.


[1]: https://github.com/postgres/postgres/branches
[2]: https://github.com/postgres/postgres/branches
[3]: https://github.com/python/cpython/branches

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