fhussain.ms20igis at student.nust.edu.pk
Sat Apr 9 01:09:03 PDT 2022
Dear Recipient!
I hope that you will be fine and doing your life well.
As I mentioned in my previous mail, I am doing my MS thesis on MobilityDB. For this purpose, I am using flight details to show / present it using MobilityDB features. The dataset has been enclosed (.csv file), at the same time we can see the KMZ/KML file on Google Earth.
The dataset contains the following fields:
date_time_stamp, latitude, longitude, altitude, speed, direction
I have generated Geom field from latitude and longitude using the following query:
select ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(long,lat), 4326) geom FROM flight_details
WHERE flight_date='2022-03-07' AND call_sign='PIA300'
order by call_sign, date_time_stamp asc;
The Geom field is generated successfully, and we can see it on Geometry map (This is shown in the screenshot attached).
I am, unable to use altitude, speed and direction fields available in the dataset. I want to use them to generate the same view as is presented on Google Earth.
What functions / features are to be used to get the required results. Probably some third-party tool, if required. It is requested to please guide me in this regard.
With regards,
Faqir Hussain
Islamabad, Pakistan
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