[Mobilitydb-users] transform() and LCC

Esteban Zimanyi estebanzimanyi at gmail.com
Wed Jun 12 08:15:58 PDT 2024

Dear Wendell

We have fixed the issue in the master branch

Please let us know whether this solves the problem. Many thanks for
reporting it


On Wed, May 29, 2024 at 3:44 PM Wendell Turner via Mobilitydb-users <
mobilitydb-users at lists.osgeo.org> wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm having trouble using transform() to convert to Lambert Conformal
> Conic.  The response is:
>   ERROR: Transform: Could not form projection from 'srid=4326' to
> 'srid=102004' (SQLSTATE XX000)"
> The PostGIS installation populates the spatial_ref_sys table with many
> projections, including LCC:
>     # select auth_name, auth_srid from spatial_ref_sys where srid=102004;
>      auth_name | auth_srid
>     -----------+-----------
>      ESRI      |    102004
> I see in  meos/src/point/type_srid.c there is:
>   len = snprintf(srid_to_str, MAX_EPSG_STR, "EPSG:%d", srid_to);
> Does this mean that there an issue with non-EPSG projection codes?
> Thank you,
> Wendell
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