[Journal] Fwd: Re: OSGeo-Journal: proof reading

Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo) tmitchell at osgeo.org
Mon Apr 16 12:47:42 EDT 2007

Hash: SHA1

On 16-Apr-07, at 8:59 AM, Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> I'm sorry to disagree:
> 1. the case study is nothing especially new
> 2. it is not described, but rather advertised, so not really useful
> 3. as far as it can be perceived, the same situation is perfectly
> replicable with a fully free and open source stack.
> The main message that comes out is: "it is possible to use free  
> software
> along with proprietary sw", admittedly a rather weak one.
> More generally, the feeling an open source fan will get is "Hey, so it
> *was* true! Autodesk has bought Open Source!", and that's something
> nobody wants, I believe.
> Your argument (only a 100% proprietary solution is unacceptable) seems
> rather weak to me. I think only papers useful to the spread of GFOSS
> should find home here.

The main message to gain from the article is that an official OSGeo  
piece of software is being used to help manage and map critical  
pieces of information in a useful way.  Specifically how it is  
implemented is less of a concern to me, though more details would  
certainly be interesting and useful to make the article deeper.

Any article that highlights the use of an OSGeo project is clearly  
helpful in promoting the GFOSS cause - MapGuide Open Source is  
GFOSS!  Are you suggesting that proprietary technology should never  
be mentioned because it hurts GFOSS?

We all know that a fully free and open source stack is available as  
alternatives, but why not highlight how some implementors are  
specifically using it?

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