[Journal] URL usage

Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo) tmitchell at osgeo.org
Tue May 1 15:29:54 EDT 2007

Hi all,
I'm still plugging away at some editing.
I have a few url-related ideas to discuss.

I'm going through to make sure all urls are wrapped up using the \url  
macro, e.g.
\url{http://www.osgeo.org} instead of writing it out in plain text.

In most cases the urls are too long to work properly within the text,  
so I'm setting them as footnotes within the text, e.g.

"For more information see the website.\footnote{The website: \url 

I really like that method but wonder if there were any problems with  
this approach.

Since we use \url{} it isn't necessary to explicitly include  
"http://" in the tex file.  I'd like to keep the url as short as  
possible so it is as readable as possible.  For example:
"See our website: \url{www.osgeo.org}"
"See our website.\footnote{url{www.osgeo.org}}"

Anyone dealt with this before or have any reasons why we shouldn't do  

Hope all is well with you,

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