[Journal] change of bibliography

Micha Silver micha at arava.co.il
Sat Nov 3 08:18:15 EDT 2007

Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo) wrote:

> That's all fine for me, Martin.  Thanks for thinking of how to improve 
> this.
> Tyler
> On 2-Nov-07, at 5:58 AM, Martin Wegmann wrote:
>> Hello editors,
>> what about changing the bibliography settings so that it appears in 
>> the same
>> size as \section{} - this would perhaps solve some page-/linebreak 
>> problems
>> and save some space.
>> I have no idea where it is defined, but I also haven't looked so far. 
>> I think
>> we can redefine this setting and "just" add a normal 
>> \section{Bibliography}.
>> Any opinions?
Doens't the {bibliography} section enable \cite{} in the body of the 
text  to link to the correct {bibitem}?
>> Moreover currently we have numbers for references, I would vote for Name
>> (year) bib. style. But thats just a personal preference.
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