[Journal] Volume 5 and beyond

Rafal Wawer Rafal.Wawer at sadl.kuleuven.be
Wed May 13 05:28:39 EDT 2009

I missed that message.
Seems I share the idea of Venka. A small looby (-;


-----Original Message-----
From: newsletter-bounces at lists.osgeo.org [mailto:newsletter-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Venkatesh Raghavan
Sent: 13 May 2009 04:35
To: Sunburned Surveyor
Cc: OSGeo Journal
Subject: Re: [Journal] Volume 5 and beyond

Sunburned Surveyor wrote:
> I'd be +1 for the swimsuit issue myself, but I'm geussing most of us 
> don't look very good in our beach outfits.

+0 from me for an OSGeo Journal Swimsuit Issue.
I don't even know how to swim!

>I don't think that issue
> would see great distribution.

I feel that the journal should be devoted to technical and academic writings and information about events, projects, book reviews etc.

OSGeo Annual reports could be just released as "Annual Reports" and perhaps even circulated as hardcopy to sponsors potential sponsors etc.


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