[Journal] Volume 6 Article List Updated

Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo) tmitchell at osgeo.org
Thu Feb 4 14:03:17 EST 2010

Rafal Wawer wrote:
> Hi Landon,
> Few corrections in the list:
> Please remove those 2:
> This is a list of proposed articles for Volume 6. This list is subject to change. Journal Section: News
Okay I've removed these.
Landon: I open the article, select SUMMARY, then select button "REJECT
AND ARCHIVE" to effectively delete it.

> Add to events section: 
> Jos Van Orshoven, Rafal Wawer. Summer Training Courses on FOSS4G 2007-2008-2009.

This is already showing as in review.  It's in Jeff's category (Events)
but don't see any activity from his end on it yet.  I'll have a peek though.

> I have the impression that OSJ does not work that good... in showing
everyone the same things. Even in my own profile I still see 1 paper in
review, 0 in editing, while in the right meny 0 in review, 1 in editing.

The challenge right is not so much OJS as it is having all editors and
articles set up properly for the first time.  We will have 'growing
pains' for a little while still.  Each person should see only what is
assigned to them.  But some of us have fuller access.  Trying to keep
the wiki page matched up with the system isn't too easy, since it's
manual :)

But, yes, some bugs popped up because of our testing, making some
articles get a bit lost.  For example, our editorial team changed and we
had to remove a few people who the articles were originally assigned to.
 Setting a new editor had some troubles :/  Working on it though. And
should stabilise in the near future.


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