[Journal] A little help with LaTex.

Barry Rowlingson b.rowlingson at lancaster.ac.uk
Wed Feb 24 12:24:05 EST 2010

On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 4:27 PM, Sunburned Surveyor
<sunburned.surveyor at gmail.com> wrote:
> If I use the Listings package in one of my articles will it cause
> problems for the people working on the main Tex file?

 I can't see why. The only issue is that you need to put
\usepackage{listings} in the preamble in the master file. So that
means making sure there's no incompatible changes in the SVN version.
So svn update first.

 That wont get you the edits I've made to the master file that I can't
commit because of a permission problem though!

 My thinking about this kind of thing is that the master file should
input a preamble file for each article, so looks something like:




  And then anything we declare to be ubiquitous can go in the master
file preamble and be available to anyone.

 The other thing I really want to do is make sure I can run LaTeX
without having to include every other include file. Either that means
grokking \includeonly or making a mini-master tex file per article.
But I need to think about this.


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