[Journal] A Short Guide to Writing Chapter Annual Report Items

Landon Blake sunburned.surveyor at gmail.com
Sun Nov 11 17:23:13 PST 2012

The guide for local chapter annual report items is now on the wiki:


On Sun, Nov 11, 2012 at 5:09 PM, Landon Blake
<sunburned.surveyor at gmail.com> wrote:
> Eli:
> Thank you for your comments. I agree, this content is much more
> appropriate for the wiki. I will add it there as soon as I have a few
> minutes. I also need to do some general housekeeping of our Journal
> wiki pages. I will add that to my task list.
> Any comments on the actual content of the guide?
> Landon
> On Sun, Nov 11, 2012 at 10:58 AM, Eli Adam <eadam at co.lincoln.or.us> wrote:
>> On Sat, Nov 10, 2012 at 5:54 PM, Landon Blake <sunburned.surveyor at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> I've put together a short guide to help authors that put together our
>>> OSGeo Local Chapter Annual Report Items. You can read the guide here:
>>> http://geojournaleditor.wordpress.com/2012/11/11/a-short-guide-to-writing-chapter-annual-report-items/
>>> I'd like to do the same thing for case study articles and software
>>> project annual report items.
>>> Let me know what you think.
>> I've always taken the wiki as the source for this type of information:
>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Journal
>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Annual_Report_Template
>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Annual_Report:_Chapter_Report_Item_Template
>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Annual_Report:_Software_Project_Report_Item_Template
>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Journal_Volume_9
>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Journal_Volume_11
>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Annual_Report_2011
>> To avoid a fracturing of focus and creating confusion, we should probably
>> have some coherent mostly single source presentation.  There should not be
>> two different sets of directions on how to send an annual report.  I had
>> sort of assumed that the point of the Journal blog was mostly an out-facing
>> consumption platform (i.e. people might prefer to read journal articles as
>> blog entries rather than a pdf).  I think that multiple out-going channels
>> for Journal content are fine (one journal article goes out in pdf, blog,
>> news item, youtube demo, twitter, etc, etc).  I thought it might also
>> include blog entires about the Journal (like we have Canadian English,
>> Standard American English, Australian English, UK English, and many English
>> as an additional language all in one Journal!)  What are the goals of the
>> Journal blog?
>> I generally prefer osgeo.org urls for official OSGeo activities, which I
>> think the journal is.  Many OSGeo members have wiki logins already too.
>> Other than url and existing logins, I don't have much preference of wiki or
>> blog but would like it to be consistent and straight forward (and not
>> multiple conflicting sources of information).  My interest remains mostly on
>> copyediting and proofreading and that is how I'll continue to focus my
>> effort.
>> My initial thoughts, Eli
>>> Thanks.
>>> Landon
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