[Journal] OSGeo Journal Volume 11: Updated Preliminary Master PDF (and Update on our 2012 Peer Review Issue)

Landon Blake sunburned.surveyor at gmail.com
Fri Nov 16 09:56:02 PST 2012

I've tried to address most of Eli's review comments on the Master PDF.
(I didn't change the position of the bullets in the side box graphics,
but will make the change for the next volume.)

There is a new preliminary master PDF of Volume 11 ready to review here:

I'll be working today and over the weekend to add the links to the PDF
and to post the articles to the blog. After the links are checked, we
can officially publish Volume 11.

I appreciate any help I can get rounding up annual report items for
2012 or peer review submissions for Volume 12. I haven't gotten any
submisions for either yet. (If we don't get any submissions for Volume
12 by the end of the month, I will cancel the peer review issue for
this year and will focus my efforts on the 2012 Annual Report.)

If you work in academia, please get the work out to your researchers now. :]

Thank you!


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