[Journal] Journal user registration disabled on journal.osgeo.org

Venkatesh Raghavan raghavan at media.osaka-cu.ac.jp
Thu Nov 19 17:32:58 PST 2015

Dear All,

Glad that the discussion regarding OSGeo Journal has been

I would like to suggest that we create a wiki document putting
together some ideas on how to get the journal page updated
and have the journal committee expanded and re-vitalized.

After the initial draft page is made, we could have a online
meeting on skype to finalize the draft and take up discussion
with the OSGeo Board regarding any support and approval that
may be required from the board.

Christian has recently taken the lead in improving the
journal site [1], so if he could spare some time to
make the initial draft, it would be great.



[1] https://journal.osgeo.org/index.php/journal

On 2015/11/20 10:03, Eli Adam wrote:
> Hi Christian,
> On Mon, Jun 15, 2015 at 12:32 PM, Christian Willmes
> <c.willmes at uni-koeln.de> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I disabled the User registration because of the spam bot problem mentioned
>> in the forwarded mail.
> Thanks for doing this and helping get the OJS system back on track.
>> Users with Role Journal Manager or Site Admin can register new Users on
>> request.
>> Should the public user registration stay disabled?
> I think so.  We are not overwhelmed by new contributors, :).
>> If we let the user registration closed, we should provide an explanation, on
>> how to get an account for participating in the journal. We could for example
>> provide this lists address as point of contact for potential new
>> contributors.
> Yes, that is a good idea.
>> I did not yet found a soloution (or a pattern) for how we delete all the
>> spam accounts. If anyone has a good Idea how to do this, input is welcome.
>> Otherwise we need to delete the accounts manually, which is a lot of work...
> Not sure what to do here.
> Best regards, Eli
>> Regards,
>> Christian
>> On 14.06.2015 21:44, Christian Willmes wrote:
>>> Hi Barend,
>>> I am quite sure I disabled the registration on the journals OJS
>>> instance, since we discovered that spam user registration problem
>>> already when we prepared the instance for the 2013 FOSS4G publications.
>>> Someone must have re-enabled that, or we were indeed hacked?
>>> I will have a look into disabeling the registration again tomorrow
>>> afternoon/evening when I have some spare time in between. If there are
>>> objections to that, please say so...
>>> According the TGIS publication, about three weeks ago I got an
>>> additional review of my paper with (very good) comments from 3 anonymous
>>> reviewers, that I and my co-authors worked into the paper. We plan to
>>> submit the revised version tomorrow or at latest on Tuesday (the
>>> deadline is until mid July though).
>>> Cheers,
>>> Christian
>>> On 14.06.2015 12:33, b.j.kobben at utwente.nl wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> You might have seen already the announcement below I sent on various
>>>> channels on the FOSS4G 2014 Academic Track publication in the OSGEO
>>>> Journal.
>>>> There were only five papers left (of the seven selected two have
>>>> chosen to
>>>> publish elsewhere). Thus once I finally had al materials, I could quite
>>>> quickly do the actual editing and publishing.
>>>> In doing so, I found that he OJS system has had a flood of spam/robot
>>>> registrations: I found this when trying to send all users an announcement
>>>> and having the system trying to send mail to 40169 users. Not sure who
>>>> (if
>>>> anybody) is at them moment (feeling) responsible for the Journal system,
>>>> but it needs some tender love and care...
>>>> Yours,
>>>> Barend
>>>> FYI: there were three AT papers selected for the Transactions in GIS
>>>> journal, I asked their chief editor what the status of those is, but
>>>> received no answer as of yet.
>>>> ==========
>>>> Volume 14 of the OSGeo Journal [1] has just been published. This issue
>>>> comprises five research papers selected from the submissions to the
>>>> Academic Track of FOSS4G 2014, which took place in Portland (Oregon,USA),
>>>> from 8 to 13 September 2014.
>>>> [1] - https://journal.osgeo.org/index.php/journal/issue/viewIssue/35/6
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