[North America] Re: [Northamerica] North America Region Chapter motion to OSGeo BOD

Tyler Mitchell tmitchell at osgeo.org
Thu Nov 10 18:17:03 EST 2011

Hi Mark and all, 

Since the motion didn't get through at the BOD meeting today we have a chance to further tweak things.

A couple questions that came up earlier...

= Focus =

Some see this effort as being exclusively focused on DOD or US-specific interests.  I don't think that's Mark's intent though.  It's just worth confirming on this list.  I think the wiki page is general enough already in this respect. 

Similar to Mark's close connection with defence, I'm hoping we can also make some inroads with the various other industry associations and with academia - there is certainly a regional need here.  I've added GITA to the list of relevant orgs to help show that - though the list could be 10 times as long if add in the CA/US/MX ASPRS chapters, cartographic associations, federal SDI initiatives, open gov, etc.

A cross-industry chapter, with a focus on industry event outreach could be quite powerful if we have good representation in the chapter for those various industries.

= Organization = 

Wiki stated the intent was to organize as a 501c3, I don't think it's a bad idea, but suspect it's not necessary to commit to it at this time.  It may just cause more concern than benefit.  Some other existing related orgs have 501c3 status and could potentially take us under their wing to simplify the administrative side for us.  I'm thinking specifically of GITA or USGIF.  I can't think of any Canadian groups that I'd recommend up here, but it would be cool to build on existing efforts by becoming their open source focused wing.

Some other OSGeo local chapters have come from wings of existing nonprofit societies/organisations, so this is not a new idea.

We might even think of a unique name for the effort if desired...

= Meeting and Events =

I'm sure we can all think of other events (past or future) that may be of interest to the group and its objectives.  I didn't add any other specific events, but again think we can build on the strengths of the group.  For example, if we don't have any academic interest, there's no sense adding AAG to the list.  

So what areas are you interested and what's the top event or two for that area?

= OSGeo Connection =

Since much of this topic was discussed on some threads with the OSGeo Board today, I think it's easy to confuse what the group is about.  I don't see it as being tied to any particular objective of the board, other than generally to build regional awareness and outreach.

There was some talk amongst the board about running a north american event, but it didn't gain traction.  So, really, aside from a general tie-in to the OSGeo mission I think it should be clarified that this chapter isn't looking for any funding or official support from OSGeo to run events on its behalf, etc.  At the most the chapter would look to be accepted as an official chapter.  Is that what you are thinking too Mark, and others?  It will help clear some of the smoke that was in the air during the board meeting :)

I'm available for a start-up meeting when ready.  After just a couple emails from Mark there are 25+ people on the mailing list, that's encouraging, which is more than some local chapters have after a year :)


On 2011-11-07, at 6:01 AM, Mark Lucas wrote:

> I've made a few additions to the web page and wrote up the formal criteria and submission request for the Board.
> I've also placed the motion as an agenda item on the upcoming BOD meeting.
> Please take a look at the submission and provide me with any comments.  Next board meeting is scheduled for Thursday.  
> I'll be on a plane but plan to connect via wifi.
> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/North_America_Regional
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