[North America] Initial thoughts on the first North America Regional conference

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at mapgears.com
Thu Nov 24 22:31:02 EST 2011

On 11-11-18 11:47 AM, Mark Lucas wrote:
>  In that light, here are some initial suggestions:
> 1) Deconflict the schedule. Perhaps schedule our regional conference
> around May (I believe Beijing is Sep)
> 2) Use GITA with our collective experience of the Denver FOSS4G 2011
> event to minimize risk (outsource much of the organization and logistics
> to GITA again)
> 3) Plan for a smaller, less complex event (not as many parallel tracks,
> maybe in conjunction with another planned activity)
> 4) Plan on using some of the profits to sponsor OSGeo.
> 5) Do what we can to feed the larger FOSS4G Beijing event
> Then we can plan a larger conference early 2013 for North America -
> we'll have more time, resources, and experience under out belt

I agree that those are all reasonable suggestions/guidelines.

Daniel Morissette
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000

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