[Oceania-Board] OSGeo Oceania - Meeting Agenda/Minutes 2021-06-10

Jonah Sullivan jonahsullivan79 at gmail.com
Thu Jun 10 20:42:23 PDT 2021

Meeting minutes can be found here
or below.

There are a lot of actions this time around.

OSGeo Oceania - Meeting Agenda/Minutes



   Google Hangout link <http://meet.google.com/wfc-bqbf-dfb>


   Terms of Reference



   OSGeo Oceania wiki <https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Oceania>

   Loomio <https://www.loomio.org/osgeo-oceania/>



   Ewen Hill

   Edoardo Neerhut

   Carrol Chan

   Jonah Sullivan

   Alex Leith

   Dionne Hansen

   Eli Puccioni

   Greg Lauer



   Emma Hain



   Scribe: Jonah

   Open meeting procedures

      Invitations are on the OO calendar

      Agenda is public

      Meeting not recorded (except this agenda/minutes)

   Loomio for decisions

      No objections to using it

      Motions are introduced in a meeting or another forum before loomio

      outcomes of loomio polls are recorded in minutes

   Action item review

   Group and Committee Reports

      Membership Working Group (Ewen)

         New Application form has been created with some further
         demographics and has been added to Loomio for discussion and
then for a
         subsequent poll

         A new slack channel called osgeo-membership-approvals has been

         When new members register their interest

            Their details are populated into the Slack channel

            An email is sent to the approvers with just the name and
            country to avoid passing significant personal and
harvestable details
            through email.

            Approvers will approve/reject/discuss potential members in Slack

         Currently there are 18 members awaiting approval which will be
         added to the Slack channel manually this weekend.

         A change to the process to move from 100% approval to single
         rejection will be circulated shortly.

      2021 Conference (Jonah)

         MOTION to ratify the FOSS4G SotM Oceania Conference Committee,
         seconded by Eli, all approve

            Chair (Jonah Sullivan)

            Program Lead (vacant)

            Sponsorship Lead (Edoardo Neerhut)

            Finance and Budget Lead (Greg Lauer)

            Logistics and Technical Lead  (Tooa Brown)

            Design & Communication Lead (Nemaia Koto)

            Good Mojo Lead (Eli Puccioni)

         OSGeo Wiki page link

         Logo Contest announcement will come out soon

         Theme is undecided (any ideas?)

         Presentation EoI form is being drafted

         Sponsorship Prospectus
         is being drafted

         Unconfirmed date is 8-11 November to avoid the regional GIS
         conference in Vanuatu 2 weeks later (any other conflicting events?)

         SPC Director might help promote the conference

         GEO and Microsoft are sponsoring tracks at the global conference

         ACTION: Alex to pitch SPC supporting staff participating at FOSS4G
         SotM Oceania


   Finance Committee (Alex)

      Trying something new. Management Report June 2021

      MOTION: Budget Ratification: Alex Moves to accept the proposed budget
      for the next financial year (Dionne seconds)

         Unanimous consent of members present (Greg absent)

      Annual report will be tabled in November (for AGM)

      Proposal: Change administration of Good Mojo Fund (includes Travel
      Grant Program) as a separate fund, not a part of general revenue

         Similar institutional structure to Microgrants Program

            A predicated fund with a committee administering the fund

         Currently $4,000 expense in 2020/21: the full $8,800 should be
         moved to a separate fund (Alex notes that it is already separate.)

         Topped up through donations via conference and other sponsorship
         opportunities as well as ongoing support from OSGeo Oceania

         Treasurer: the current financial system functionality is similar
         to this proposal and additional funding can easily be added.

         ACTION: Elisa to consider guidelines or a policy document with
         more detail will enable any required changes to the
management of Good Mojo
         / microgrant fund.

      We need to add the not-for-profit account to the FOSS4G G-Suite to
      reduce costs

         Enables more email addresses

         Requires single Google Drive

         MOTION: treasurer moves that we apply for a not-for-profit tier
         for G-Suite on the foss4g-oceania.org domain. Ewen seconds. All in

      MOTION: Treasurer (Alex) moves that Jonah Sullivan has full access to
      the OSGeo Oceania Business account. Greg seconds. All in favour.

      ACTION: Jonah to get minute signed and then get access to ANZ account

   Outreach and Comms (Dionne)

      Gained access to wordpress site (https://osgeo-oceania.org/)

      Putting in content presently

      Access granted to QGIS Sig

      Newsletter still pending, twitter posts occasionally

      Will be approaching some of you for links and info

   Special Interest Groups


      OpenStreetMap SIG (Ed)

         Summary of the first OSM SIG Meeting

         MOTION to ratify the OSM Steering Committee seconded by Carrol,
         all in favour

            Andrew Harvey (co-chair)

            Philip Mallis

            Violaine Doutreleau

            Martin (temp)

            Lanieta Rokotuiwakaya

            Carrol Chan

            Graeme Fitzpatrick

            Edoardo Neerhut

         OSM blog post for the OSMF

      QGIS SIG (Emma)

         +O could directly fund editing of OSM (such as importing
         addresses) like OSGeoUK is doing

            Andrew Harvey is currently uploading the Victorian addresses

            ACTION: Edoardo to talk to Andrew Harvey about OO funding for
            OSM edits

   Microgrants (Eli)

      Review activities

         One more successful event funded (Kiribati)

         One more request for funding (Perth)


   Other business

       Solvency Resolution
      (Jonah) - gregory.lauer at gmail.com to sign

       ASIC Annual Statement
      (Jonah) PAID

       Terms of Reference

      Election (Jonah)

         MOTION to endorse the same election process that was used in 2020

         Elections 2021 Document

         ACTION: Jonah to add motion to endorse election process to Loomio
         poll for resolution in 1 week.

         Constitution requirement: 79.1 Prior to the completion of each
         financial year, the Board shall lay out a process for electing new
         directors to the board, such process to be distributed to members.

         50% of directors up for election rule: 79.2

         We need to determine this now.

         ACTION: Edoardo volunteers to provide written notice resign after
         this term (he can run as a director again)

         Greg, Dionne and Emma have terms ending this year, this is less
         than 50% of directors.

         Each director agrees to be on the board for 2 years.

A/ctions to review/*


   ACTION: Jonah to schedule meeting of Conference Committee next Friday
   (21 May)

   ACTION: Emma to query members about using wordpress site

   ACTION: Edoardo to write up university focused summary of the
   microgrants opportunity [Need to complete]

   ACTION: Eli to add question to microgrants form about how they heard
   about the program

   ACTION: Jonah to clarify members included in Solvency Resolution and
   circulate for endorsement

   ACTION: Alex to pay ASIC Annual Statement

   ACTION: Edoardo to send more information about open meetings via email.

New actions
Decisions by email
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