[Oceania-Board] OSGeo Oceania Budget Thinking

Alex Leith alexgleith at gmail.com
Mon Jun 6 17:18:19 PDT 2022

Hey Folks

I'm preparing our annual budget for the next financial year, and would like
to know if folks have any budget requests. I'll include a list below of
budget lines that I know of. And for Board members, the budget document is
accessible here

Jonah, do we have any idea of what we expect to spend on the conference
next year?

Eli, do you have a figure that you'd like to set as a target for grants,
microgrants and good mojo?

QGIS and OSM SIG folks, do you have any expected income or expenses you
know of, or would you like to allocate some funds to something (no actual
need for income really, just justify it!)

As a Board, we will discuss together on Friday, but please have a think or
ask questions beforehand.

Kind regards,


EXPENSES Subscriptions $2,000 Xero, AWS, Google Drive etc.
Insurance $0 We don't currently pay for any insurance
Accountant fees $1,000 The cost of doing business
ASIC fees $1,500 Standard fees
Good mojo expenses ???
Working group and committee support ???
Microgrants ??? Should we combine with Good mojo budget line?
Outreach and community support ???
FOSS4G SotM Oceania Conference ???
Other $500

Alex Leith
m: 0419189050
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