[Oceania-Board] Talanoa session for a Pacific OS community

Jean MASSENET j.massenet at insight.nc
Tue Oct 4 02:45:56 PDT 2022

Hi Alex,

All apologies for the lack of reactivity, you can imagine how busy we get while organizing such a symposium!

I sincerely thank you for taking time to get back to me after my email, much appreciated.

I totally understand your position on sending an email written by another one.
Please kindly note that I’ve been simply answering the request I understood and noted down as expressed from your board colleagues I had a chat with.

I’d be sincerely glad to help you getting a clearer idea about the distinction between OGS and the event you’re organizing yourself.
I presume you clearly understand the current situation we face now, with 2 parallel events finally dividing the community and still no link between them, despite all our well-known efforts in avoiding this.
That was clearly the aim of yearly official announcements since 2019, of several emails sent to PGRSC for collaborations those past months, of crystal-clear discussions lead with anyone including your colleagues a few weeks ago, and even the aim of a proposition for us to present our OGS initiative the Suva conference committee.

Hopefully we’ll finally all agree on prioritizing our efforts in changing this into opportunity instead of feeding the gap, at the expense of our common regional community!

Most of us are volunteers too, and we’ll continue doing everything possible in what we believe as for the common good, whatever personal thoughts or past experiences.
While taking time to get to you here again, our aim has never been to promote an event more than another, which make no sense to us, but to work together on improving an uncomfortable situation for the community and make us all paddling in the same kenu.
I’d love spending more time working all together for my region; no ego, native genuine spirit.

In any way, we remain fully available for any discussion you would like to have, please feel free to ask, and wish you all a wonderful week and a good luck for incoming ones with well-known organization issues!



El Jefe

Portable : (687) 72 44 80
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De : Alex Leith <alexgleith at gmail.com>
Envoyé : lundi 5 septembre 2022 11:25
À : Jean MASSENET <j.massenet at insight.nc>
Cc : OSGeo Oceania Board <oceania-board at lists.osgeo.org>
Objet : Re: Re[2]: Talanoa session for a Pacific OS community

Hi Jean

I'm going to respond briefly, just from my personal point of view.

I'm not comfortable with OSGeo Oceania sending this email that you've drafted out. I think it's not really reflective of our viewpoint.

And I'm not comfortable with some of the framing of the Oceania Geospatial Symposium, specifically the inclusion of open source software and open data sessions in your event, which is in direct conflict with our event.

It's already confusing that there are two events running at the same time in the Pacific, so we need to be very clear in our communications about the distinction between the two events. And personally, I'm not that clear about the distinction myself.

We're a volunteer team and need to be careful of what we commit to and so, in response to your question, I would prefer to spend my time promoting our event rather than splitting my time across two events.

Kind regards,


On Fri, 2 Sept 2022 at 15:36, Jean Massenet - INSIGHT <j.massenet at insight.nc<mailto:j.massenet at insight.nc>> wrote:
Hey there,

How is it going?
I got no feedback from my email below, any mistake doing so?
I tried to get written what had been said but could have misunderstood some points. How do you fell this? Could we go further together on the topic?

As promised, I got to my communication officer who proposed me 2 communications: 1 for the email forwarding the latest OGS communication one, 1 for social network if needed, for example for relaying an OGS post on LinkedIN.
Those are propositions only as we discussed and might indeed be more likely considered as a first draft of possible way to communicate, if relevant.

As part of the organization committee of the Pacific Geospatial Conference 2022 that will be held in Suva in November, OSGeo Oceania is highly involved in making this conference a wonderful success, thanks to you all.
OSGeo Oceania remain a central actor for OS initiatives and intend to act as facilitator for the development of a regional Open-Source community, making links when possible and relevant.
Doing so, we are also pleased to inform you that the Oceania Geospatial Symposium 2022 - Tauhā will take place in Noumea in parallel to our Suva conference.
We are glad to ensure information sharing within our community since this symposium is also considering an OS identity and includes dedicated OS sessions.
We might study the possibility to facilitate links between those OS sessions in Noumea and our FOSS4G conference in Suva and keep you posted on this.
Please see the email below for more information on the OGS2022 program et visit the www.oceania-geospatial.com<http://www.oceania-geospatial.com> website.
We look forward to seeing you all in Suva by the end of the year!

Social Network
Acting as part of the Pacific geospatial community, we share with you here information about the Oceania Geospatial Symposium 2022 that will be held in Noumea, parallel to our FOSS4G conference in Suva.
Including sessions dedicated to Open-Source topics, we will be glad to facilitate the link as possible with our own participants from Fiji!

Furthermore, as promised to, I am pleased to confirm you here that we would like to propose you an active participation in 2 main sessions:

  *   #RegionalAssets, aiming at giving key presentations in a central tribune

     *   Co-animation of 2 possible sub-sessions:

        *   “Open Source & Open Data at global scale”
        *   Open Source & Open Data at local scale”

     *   Presentation within the “Open Source & Open Data at global scale” sub-session, next to Copernicus and SPC

  *   #CapacityBuilding, aiming at providing technical participants with free workshops/trainings

     *   Animation of a workshop/training on QGIS, or at least propose us someone to do so

How do you fell this? Are you still keen to participate to OGS dedicated OS sessions?

Looking forward to reading you back as promptly as possible in order to organize the best on the way to work all together, still aiming at gathering our common Pacific geospatial community.

Kind regards from Noumea,
[cid:image001.png at 01D8D812.10856C20]<https://insight.nc/>
El Jefe - INSIGHT Team
Mob. : (+687) 72 44 80
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De : Jean Massenet - INSIGHT
Envoyé : jeudi 18 août 2022 18:43
À : Alex Leith <alexgleith at gmail.com<mailto:alexgleith at gmail.com>>; Greg Lauer <gregory.lauer at gmail.com<mailto:gregory.lauer at gmail.com>>; Carrol Chan <carrol.mchan at gmail.com<mailto:carrol.mchan at gmail.com>>
Cc : marc.despinoy <marc.despinoy at ird.fr<mailto:marc.despinoy at ird.fr>>; Valerie BURTET <valerie.sarramegna at unc.nc<mailto:valerie.sarramegna at unc.nc>>; contact at oceania-geospatial.com<mailto:contact at oceania-geospatial.com>; elisa at kenex.co.nz<mailto:elisa at kenex.co.nz>; jonahsullivan79 at gmail.com<mailto:jonahsullivan79 at gmail.com>; laniroko12 at gmai.com<mailto:laniroko12 at gmai.com>
Objet : RE: Re[2]: Talanoa session for a Pacific OS community
Importance : Haute

Dear everyone,

Following our call, I wanted first of all top thank you very much for time and for the deep, interesting, useful and motivating discussion we had!

As discussed, despite our previous efforts doing so, many links still to be made to be done and we’ll do everything we can to continue this way as we believe as the common good one.

To sum-up the main points of our discussion, for you to comment/validate please:

  *   OSGeo is highly involved in the Suva Conference, but remaining obviously interested in supporting OGS since aligned with both content and goals.

It has been proposed that:

     *   As co-organizer, together with PGRSC, of the Suva Conference, OSGeo Oceania is displayed as main partner on this event only
     *   In parallel,  OSGeo (Oceania?)

        *   Get actively involved in OGS both as a presenter and as co-animator of the session dedicated to Open Source & Open data, part of the main plenary
        *   Send official representatives to Noumea to ensure the talk and the co-animation role of the OS session (might be the occasion for scheduling a dedicated OSM meeting with whom interested, including the French Pacific Territories)
        *   Is not displayed among partners at global OGS communication level to avoid scrambling messages; OGS logo will be only used in the presentations of this dedicated OS session

  *   OSGeo will invite OGS to present its own initiative to the Suva Conference Committee, possibly on Friday 26th (?), understanding that this committee had never heard about our initiative and, overall, all the emails sent to the PGRSC Board and offers to collaborate with concrete solutions proposed on OGS side

  *   An important step might be to work together on a global communication to be sent by yourself ensuring the community not to be lost and OSGeo not to scramble messages about its own position.

>> I’ll get OGS communication officer working on a draft to submit you of possible communication content, possibly by forwarding the latest OGS communication.

  *   Afterwards, situation being lightened for the community, OGS will be able to include directly oceania at lists.osgeo.org<mailto:oceania at lists.osgeo.org> in its own mailing database to address directly the whole community

Is that aligned with our discussions last week?

Kindest regards from Noumea,
[cid:image002.png at 01D8D812.10856C20]<https://insight.nc/>
El Jefe - INSIGHT Team
Mob. : (+687) 72 44 80
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De : Jean Massenet - INSIGHT
Envoyé : vendredi 12 août 2022 11:32
À : Alex Leith <alexgleith at gmail.com<mailto:alexgleith at gmail.com>>; Greg Lauer <gregory.lauer at gmail.com<mailto:gregory.lauer at gmail.com>>; Carrol Chan <carrol.mchan at gmail.com<mailto:carrol.mchan at gmail.com>>; elisa at kenex.co.nz<mailto:elisa at kenex.co.nz>; jonahsullivan79 at gmail.com<mailto:jonahsullivan79 at gmail.com>; laniroko12 at gmai.com<mailto:laniroko12 at gmai.com>
Cc : marc.despinoy <marc.despinoy at ird.fr<mailto:marc.despinoy at ird.fr>>; Valerie BURTET <valerie.sarramegna at unc.nc<mailto:valerie.sarramegna at unc.nc>>; contact at oceania-geospatial.com<mailto:contact at oceania-geospatial.com>
Objet : RE: Re[2]: Talanoa session for a Pacific OS community

Dear everyone,
Just for you to get all information, please find here attached last communications with PGRSC.
Happy to go further on the topic.
[cid:image002.png at 01D8D812.10856C20]<https://insight.nc/>
El Jefe - INSIGHT Team
Mob. : (+687) 72 44 80
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-----Rendez-vous d'origine-----
De : Jean Massenet - INSIGHT
Envoyé : jeudi 11 août 2022 20:44
À : Alex Leith; Greg Lauer; Carrol Chan; elisa at kenex.co.nz<mailto:elisa at kenex.co.nz>; jonahsullivan79 at gmail.com<mailto:jonahsullivan79 at gmail.com>; laniroko12 at gmai.com<mailto:laniroko12 at gmai.com>
Cc : marc.despinoy; Valerie BURTET; contact at oceania-geospatial.com<mailto:contact at oceania-geospatial.com>
Objet : Re[2]: Talanoa session for a Pacific OS community
Date : vendredi 12 août 2022 11:00-12:00 (UTC+11:00) Îles Salomon, Nouvelle-Calédonie.
Où : Réunion Microsoft Teams

Hi everyone,

To make sure we do keep our first possible timeslot to have this first contact with those available to join, I send you here a calendar invitation as promised.

Hereafter is the Teams connection link to join the online meeting:
Cliquez ici pour participer à la réunion<https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_ZDlhZTM2NGEtMzZmMy00YTEwLTk5ODItNGYwNWY0ZGQ2YWVk%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%227048dd25-c75f-469f-93b9-d76cdb16c3e7%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22eaafa778-b085-463a-94a1-a3c4bcce247f%22%7d>

Excited about tomorrow discussions, I wish you all a nice evening, night or even day according to your time zone!

Kind regards from Noumea,

De : Jean Massenet - INSIGHT
Envoyé : jeudi 11 août 2022 08:59
À : Alex Leith <alexgleith at gmail.com<mailto:alexgleith at gmail.com>>; Greg Lauer <gregory.lauer at gmail.com<mailto:gregory.lauer at gmail.com>>; Carrol Chan <carrol.mchan at gmail.com<mailto:carrol.mchan at gmail.com>>; elisa at kenex.co.nz<mailto:elisa at kenex.co.nz>; jonahsullivan79 at gmail.com<mailto:jonahsullivan79 at gmail.com>; laniroko12 at gmai.com<mailto:laniroko12 at gmai.com>
Cc : marc.despinoy <marc.despinoy at ird.fr<mailto:marc.despinoy at ird.fr>>; Valerie BURTET <valerie.sarramegna at unc.nc<mailto:valerie.sarramegna at unc.nc>>; contact at oceania-geospatial.com<mailto:contact at oceania-geospatial.com>
Objet : RE: Re[2]: Talanoa session for a Pacific OS community

Haha got it no worries!

So the proposed slot is this Friday 12th at 10am AEST = 11am NCT = 12am FJT, would it work for everyone?

If not, the other possible slot would then be on Monday 15th at 1pm AEST = 2pm NCT = 3pm FJT.

[cid:image003.png at 01D8D812.10856C20]<https://insight.nc/>
El Jefe - INSIGHT Team
Mob. : (+687) 72 44 80
Agissons au quotidien pour préserver notre environnement. N’imprimez ce courrier et les documents joints que si nécessaire

De : Alex Leith <alexgleith at gmail.com<mailto:alexgleith at gmail.com>>
Envoyé : jeudi 11 août 2022 08:41
À : Jean Massenet - INSIGHT <j.massenet at insight.nc<mailto:j.massenet at insight.nc>>
Cc : Greg Lauer <gregory.lauer at gmail.com<mailto:gregory.lauer at gmail.com>>; Carrol Chan <carrol.mchan at gmail.com<mailto:carrol.mchan at gmail.com>>; elisa at kenex.co.nz<mailto:elisa at kenex.co.nz>; jonahsullivan79 at gmail.com<mailto:jonahsullivan79 at gmail.com>; laniroko12 at gmai.com<mailto:laniroko12 at gmai.com>; marc.despinoy <marc.despinoy at ird.fr<mailto:marc.despinoy at ird.fr>>; Valerie BURTET <valerie.sarramegna at unc.nc<mailto:valerie.sarramegna at unc.nc>>; contact at oceania-geospatial.com<mailto:contact at oceania-geospatial.com>
Objet : Re: Re[2]: Talanoa session for a Pacific OS community

Very sorry, but I made a mistake, we're on AEST currently... so it is two hours difference!

10 AM AEST, which is 11 am in Numea and 12 midday Fiji time?

On Thu, 11 Aug 2022 at 06:46, Jean Massenet - INSIGHT <j.massenet at insight.nc<mailto:j.massenet at insight.nc>> wrote:
Hi everyone,

Many thanks for those prompt first feedbacks.

Just to make sure we got the good time difference; I understand there is only 1hr between FJT and AEDT time zone.
So @Alex<mailto:alexgleith at gmail.com> I assume that 10am AEDT (your time right?) is 11am FJT, is that it?

Waiting for last feedbacks, I propose everyone to pre-book this slot : this Friday 12th at 10am AEDT = 10am NCT = 11am FJT.
Would it be okay for most of you all?

I’ll confirm this by the day through a calendar invitation with connection link (Teams) according to incoming feedbacks.

The other slot that could be proposed as secondary choice would be on Monday 15th at 1pm AEDT = 1pm NCT = 2pm FJT.

Best regards,
[cid:image002.png at 01D8D812.10856C20]<https://insight.nc/>
El Jefe - INSIGHT Team
Mob. : (+687) 72 44 80
Agissons au quotidien pour préserver notre environnement. N’imprimez ce courrier et les documents joints que si nécessaire

De : Greg Lauer <gregory.lauer at gmail.com<mailto:gregory.lauer at gmail.com>>
Envoyé : mercredi 10 août 2022 23:23
À : Alex Leith <alexgleith at gmail.com<mailto:alexgleith at gmail.com>>; Carrol Chan <carrol.mchan at gmail.com<mailto:carrol.mchan at gmail.com>>
Cc : Jean Massenet - INSIGHT <j.massenet at insight.nc<mailto:j.massenet at insight.nc>>; elisa at kenex.co.nz<mailto:elisa at kenex.co.nz>; jonahsullivan79 at gmail.com<mailto:jonahsullivan79 at gmail.com>; laniroko12 at gmai.com<mailto:laniroko12 at gmai.com>; marc.despinoy <marc.despinoy at ird.fr<mailto:marc.despinoy at ird.fr>>; Valerie BURTET <valerie.sarramegna at unc.nc<mailto:valerie.sarramegna at unc.nc>>; contact at oceania-geospatial.com<mailto:contact at oceania-geospatial.com>
Objet : Re[2]: Talanoa session for a Pacific OS community

Friday works best for me

I am traveling next 2 weeks. I could do Monday afternoon (early morning for me) but can't do Wednesday.


------ Original Message ------
From: "Alex Leith" <alexgleith at gmail.com<mailto:alexgleith at gmail.com>>
To: "Carrol Chan" <carrol.mchan at gmail.com<mailto:carrol.mchan at gmail.com>>
Cc: "Jean Massenet - INSIGHT" <j.massenet at insight.nc<mailto:j.massenet at insight.nc>>; "elisa at kenex.co.nz<mailto:elisa at kenex.co.nz>" <elisa at kenex.co.nz<mailto:elisa at kenex.co.nz>>; "jonahsullivan79 at gmail.com<mailto:jonahsullivan79 at gmail.com>" <jonahsullivan79 at gmail.com<mailto:jonahsullivan79 at gmail.com>>; "laniroko12 at gmai.com<mailto:laniroko12 at gmai.com>" <laniroko12 at gmai.com<mailto:laniroko12 at gmai.com>>; "marc.despinoy" <marc.despinoy at ird.fr<mailto:marc.despinoy at ird.fr>>; "Valerie BURTET" <valerie.sarramegna at unc.nc<mailto:valerie.sarramegna at unc.nc>>; "contact at oceania-geospatial.com<mailto:contact at oceania-geospatial.com>" <contact at oceania-geospatial.com<mailto:contact at oceania-geospatial.com>>; "Greg Lauer" <gregory.lauer at gmail.com<mailto:gregory.lauer at gmail.com>>
Sent: 10/08/2022 10:15:48 PM
Subject: Re: Talanoa session for a Pacific OS community

This is going to be hard to coordinate with all the timezones...

But midday this Friday in Fiji is 10 am in AEDT, which would work for me!

Monday early afternoon would be ok too.

On Wed, 10 Aug 2022 at 22:07, Carrol Chan <carrol.mchan at gmail.com<mailto:carrol.mchan at gmail.com>> wrote:
Hi Jean,

Thank you so much for trying to get a call organised. I've cc'd in Greg, also a part of the OSGeo Oceania board.

With regards to your proposed time slots, I would be available for:

  *   Friday 12th morning-afternoon
  *   Monday 15th  afternoon
  *   Wednesday 17th morning-afternoon

I hope to see you all soon.

Kind regards,

On Wed, 10 Aug 2022 at 15:30, Jean Massenet - INSIGHT <j.massenet at insight.nc<mailto:j.massenet at insight.nc>> wrote:
Bula vinaka,

Adding here Lani in the loop.

Looking forward to reading you all back for scheduling our call 😊

[cid:image003.png at 01D8D812.10856C20]<https://insight.nc/>
El Jefe - INSIGHT Team
Mob. : (+687) 72 44 80
Agissons au quotidien pour préserver notre environnement. N’imprimez ce courrier et les documents joints que si nécessaire

De : Jean Massenet - INSIGHT
Envoyé : mercredi 10 août 2022 14:47
À : elisa at kenex.co.nz<mailto:elisa at kenex.co.nz>; alexgleith at gmail.com<mailto:alexgleith at gmail.com>; jonahsullivan79 at gmail.com<mailto:jonahsullivan79 at gmail.com>; carrol.mchan at gmail.com<mailto:carrol.mchan at gmail.com>
Cc : 'marc.despinoy' <marc.despinoy at ird.fr<mailto:marc.despinoy at ird.fr>>; 'Valerie BURTET' <valerie.sarramegna at unc.nc<mailto:valerie.sarramegna at unc.nc>>; contact at oceania-geospatial.com<mailto:contact at oceania-geospatial.com>
Objet : Talanoa session for a Pacific OS community
Importance : Haute

Dear all,

Glad to get back to you here following a LinkedIn discussion with Carrol (and Lanieta).

The aim is to schedule a call all together in order to present ourselves, share our visions of the common good for our oceania geospatial & OS community, and then see how we could work better together.

On our side, we’ll try to present you as shortly as possible our Oceania Geospatial Symposium initiative, that you can already discover on https://oceania-geospatial.com/

Would you all be free for a call by the next days ?

I can already propose you a few timeslots (NC time) to choose between:

  *   Friday 12th morning
  *   Monday 15th
  *   Tuesday 16th
  *   Wednesday 17th morning
According to your respective agendas, could you please copy/paste this and indicate when your available, sharpening those propositions together to get the best timeslot for everyone?

Kindest regards from Noumea,
[cid:image004.png at 01D8D812.10856C20]<https://insight.nc/>
El Jefe
Mob. : (+687) 72 44 80

j.massenet at insight.nc<mailto:j.massenet at insight.nc>
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Agissons au quotidien pour préserver notre environnement. N’imprimez ce courrier et les documents joints que si nécessaire

Alex Leith
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Alex Leith
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Alex Leith
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