[Geodata] Re: [Aust-NZ] NZ geodata on OSGEO?

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 30 23:15:26 PDT 2008

> jo at frot wrote:
> > FWIW: :/
> > Science Commons (the CC data spinoff) are specifically recommending
> > that the copyright-based CC licenses *should not* be used for data,
> > now.
> > 
> >
> > OpenStreetmap have had a bunch of issues with that CC license and
> > are planning a move away from it:
> >  http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/index.php/Open_Data_License
Markus N:
> AFAIK this recommendation was posted AFTER our data set was released.
> Before publishing, we asked *cough* someone here to suggest... no
> response and so we selected for now the CC license. It is version 0.7,
> so we can change the license if needed.

This will have to be carefully considered for the NC/USA dataset if that
is intended to be used for more than "Edu", but with regard to the New
Zealand data I don't think it will be a blocker as the VAR who has very
generously offered to supply the data has indicated that they will
(re)distribute it to us under the original gov't terms, ie BSD-like with
attrib. And no one has suggested that OSGeo would want to relicense it as
anything else.

I'm excited to think that this may soon be a reality! With the national
level data out in the open it will surely have a flow-on effect wrt
encouraging regional level & other Commonwealth gov't offices to release
data as well.


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