[Aust-NZ] Time to move - Incorporation of OSGeo-AustNZ [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Ian.Batley at ga.gov.au Ian.Batley at ga.gov.au
Wed Oct 15 15:54:07 PDT 2008

If registered in the ACT it is done under the Associations Incorporations Act
and all the details can be found at

Cost is $138 for the application. It is not an onerous task and it does not
require a physical address, just postal. However, it does require yearly
lodgement of some things (cost $32), a membership of at least 5 people, and a

Once incorporated we may need to investigate Aust wide registration, but I am
not sure on this, see

Cost for this registration is $330 if we have to do it.

Ian Batley
ian.batley at ga.gov.au
02 6249 5825

-----Original Message-----
From: aust-nz-bounces at lists.osgeo.org
[mailto:aust-nz-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Brent Wood
Sent: Thursday, 16 October 2008 6:46 AM
To: Aust-NZ at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: Re: [Aust-NZ] Time to move - Incorporation of OSGeo-AustNZ


That seems expensive, unless I'm missing something (which given my expertise
in this area, is quite possible :-)

Does it matter whether the chapter is registered in Australia or NZ? If is is
in Australia then it problably means less work for me :-) but I'm not really
concerned either way. 

To register as a not-for-profit incorporated society in NZ is NZ$100 which
I'm happy to fork out for, or could come out od initial membership fees?

If we can find a friendly accountant, annual auditing is free or pretty
cheap. The running costs will be postage (mostly email anyway I'd hope) & a
bank account, which I guess could well be Australian if required, like if we
had an Australian treasurer.

& I figure accounts in both NZ & Australia might be cheaper than regularly
transferring $$ internationally anyway...

Is it worth following up a NZ based registration if is cheaper & simpler?

As far as I can tell, NZ residency is not required, unless we require it
under our own rules/charter, and normally the only officers required are
Chair/President, secretary & treasurer, but it does require 15 members.

There are plenty of examples of charters available to model ours on if

These links give a useful how-to, one from an NZ LUG...


The official site, is at:

The application form is at:

The registered address may not even have to be in NZ, nor the postal address,
but I (or someone else here from NZ I'm sure) can provide NZ ones if
required. We may need to post an application form around 15 people for
signing, but given signatures are on three pages, that isn't too onerous.

We can state that IRC meetings, given a quorum, are acceptable for society
meetings, in our rules.

If people are interested in this option, I guess we could start by drafting
the charter/rules on the OSGEO wiki? Once that is done & we have the 15
signatures, we can apply, with a result in a few days.



--- On Wed, 10/15/08, Bruce Bannerman <bruce at bannerman.id.au> wrote:

> From: Bruce Bannerman <bruce at bannerman.id.au>
> Subject: [Aust-NZ] Time to move - Incorporation of OSGeo-AustNZ
> To: "Aust-NZ OSGeo" <Aust-NZ at lists.osgeo.org>
> Date: Wednesday, October 15, 2008, 11:40 PM
> Getting insurance quotes is proving to be a very difficult
> process in
> these troubled times.
> I propose that we proceed with the incorporation of
> OSGeo-AustNZ as a
> not for profit organisation and revisit the costs for
> insurance when
> these become available. 
> Costs will be:
> Incorporation as a Not-for-profit   $1300
> Annual audit fee approx $200
> It will take two to four weeks to incorporate.
> Now, where do we find the funds?
> Bruce Bannerman
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