[Aust-NZ] Australian Big Brother Awards
Usman Iqbal
usmani at omnilink.com.au
Thu Nov 5 22:49:57 PST 2009
Dear OSGEO members, I must admit that this announcement is not entirely
relevant to what this list is about, but I thought some privacy enthusiasts
might be interested in attending this event given the attention (both
positive and negative) recent geospatial innovations are getting. This wiki
article will tell you a little more about Big Brother awards,
Please come to the Australian 'Big Bother Awards' 2009, 11 November
The call for nominations for the 2009 Big Brother Awards (BBA2009) was very
successful. The Orwells are the Big Brother Awards that recognise
organizations, technologies and people that have invaded or threaten to
invade privacy. The Smiths acknowledge people who protect us from privacy
invasions. From a diverse range of nominations we received for the "Orwell"
categories of the "Big Brother 2009" Award, six finalists for the "Orwells"
have been selected. Information about the finalists will available from 4
November at http://www.privacy.org.au/bba
You and your colleagues and friends are invited to the "Big Brother 2009"
Awards Event (7-30 to 10pm) on 11 November 2009. The venues are:
* Canberra at the Pot Belly, Weedon Close, Belconnen
* Sydney at the Reuters Bar, Brooklyn Hotel, corner George &
Grosvenor Streets, Sydney City.
Entry is free and you can buy your drinks and food from the bar.
The format of the evening will be:
* An old style public debate (complete with soapbox) to discuss the
relative merits of the finalists for the "Orwell" categories of:
1. Worst Public Agency or Official
2. Worst Corporate Invader
3. Most Invasive Technology.
Representatives from the finalists have been invited. Other speakers will
come from 'the floor'. There will be plenty of opportunity to have your say.
* A vote to determine the winner for each category.
* Announcement of the winners.
Please circulate this invitation to your colleagues and friends. So that we
can ensure we have enough 'private' space in the venues (and that hotel
management can allocate sufficient staff) would you please email the
approximate numbers you expect to attend by 10 November to
bba at privacy.org.au. If you require further information please contact Julie
Cameron who is the BBA2009 Coordinator on behalf of the Australian Privacy
Foundation at bba at privacy.org.au.
Yours sincerely
Usman Iqbal
Member, Australian Privacy Foundation Board
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