[Aust-NZ] FW: [SDI-AsiaPacific] Intelligent Spatial Decision Analysis ISDA '10 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
Bruce Bannerman
B.Bannerman at bom.gov.au
Wed Feb 3 17:04:20 PST 2010
> -----Original Message-----
> From: sdi-asiapacific-bounces at lists.gsdi.org
> Subject: [SDI-AsiaPacific] Intelligent Spatial Decision
> Analysis ISDA '10
> Intelligent Spatial Decision Analysis
> ISDA '10
> http://www.unibas.it/utenti/murgante/isda_10/ISDA.html
> in conjunction with
> International Symposium on Intelligent Decision Technologies (IDT'10)
> InnerHarbor, Baltimore, Maryland, USA 28-30 July 2010
> http://idt-10.kesinternational.org/
> <http://idt-10.kesinternational.org/>
> Workshop Description
> Within the study on decision-making essence and its links
> with some strictly related concepts as evaluation and choice,
> it is possible to state that whereas decision can be mostly
> considered as a “political” process, evaluation mainly
> includes technical issues, while choice induces both sides problems.
> * Evaluation concerns an initial phase of a cognitive
> process and the decision terms of reference defining the
> boundaries within which the entire process takes place and
> the evaluation purposes are defined.
> * Decision is a deliberative act which temporarily closes
> a long and predominantly political process where the
> relationship among individuals of a community (and therefore
> among contrasting interests) needs to be regulated.
> * Choice ends an evaluation process which aims to select
> a decisional alternative among many ones, on the base of
> different and often conflictual criteria and points of view.
> So it reminds the necessity to screen and compare many
> alternatives and to make a selection.
> How does Information Technology application in spatial
> analysis modify the way of making decisions? Decision Theory
> based its fundamentals on limited sets of solution and
> evaluation criteria for a long time, but the way of
> describing spatial issues of governance, characters and
> constraints of physical space shows a further complexity that
> can not be described without the use of new methods, in order
> to increase decision quality. Even if the core nature of
> decision approach still remains the same, the number of
> complexities connected within the process increases rapidly.
> The interaction among evaluation methods, and the new
> described complexity of the physical urban space create a new
> era for spatial decision support involving several
> disciplines, and domains of knowledge.
> In relation to what above, a decision process necessarily
> involves the existence of several social actors, usually
> called “stakeholders”, contributing to the final choice
> definition and enforcement; it is therefore important to
> stress the distinction between decision making and decision
> aiding, sometimes wrongly adopted as synonyms. While a
> decision maker is the subject able, at the same time, to give
> the knowledge and to have the responsibility to make a
> choice, a decision aiding context involves the existence of
> two distinctive subjects at least: the analyst (or a group of
> them) aiding the decision via a deep scientific knowledge and
> the client (public or private) to whom such support is
> directed. Therefore, in the first case the following elements
> are usually considered: a well defined set of possible
> decisional alternatives, a well defined preference system
> already clear in the decision maker mind and a correctly
> formulated mathematical problem. A decision! aiding approach
> implies a set of not necessary stable potential actions
> compared on the base of n criteria able to reflect, under a
> natural uncertainty, the social actor preferences; in this
> case, then, a well formalized mathematical problem is quite
> impossible. In this context Intelligent Spatial Analysis
> Systems represent a fundamental support to decision making
> processes in conformity with a double reading perspective:
> 1. they comprise a coherent set of methods and techniques
> which enable to deepen the investigation on the scientific
> aspect of decision making process, adopting several rigorous
> tools and models belonging to different fields as machine
> learning (i.e. cellular automata, multi-agent systems,
> Bayesian networks, artificial neural networks, etc.),
> geostatistics (i.e. kernel methods, kriging, support vector
> machines, etc.), remote sensing, spatial data warehousing and
> Spatial OLAP, and spatial data mining;
> 2. they represent an innovative mean to enhance and
> guarantee participation (i.e. spatial multicriteria decision
> aiding, electronic meetings, focus groups, etc.), consensus
> building and communicability consensus building and
> communicability of decision making scenarios among
> stakeholders, in order to reach a transparent and accepted
> final choice.
> The aim of the workshop is to investigate such connections
> among disciplines, by theoretical debates and tales on case studies.
> The programme committee especially requests high quality
> submissions on the following Conference Themes :
> * Decision Support Theory;
> * Spatial Multicriteria Decision Analysis;
> * Spatial Rough Set;
> * Spatial extension of Fuzzy Set theory;
> * Ontologies for Spatial Analysis;
> * Environmental data mining;
> * Learning from geospatial data;
> * Machine Learning and Geostatistics;
> * Artificial neural networks;
> * Web-based decision analysis tools;
> * Wireless Sensor Networks for Spatial Apllications
> * Ant-based Algorithms;
> * Cellular automata;
> * Bayesian reasoning;
> * Statistical learning theory: support vector machines,
> kernel methods;
> * Remote sensing and remote sensed image processing;
> * Geographical approach to risk analysis;
> * Spatial Data warehousing foundations and architectures;
> * Spatial Data extraction, cleaning, and loading;
> * Spatial Multidimensional modeling and queries;
> * Spatial OLAP visualization;
> * New Spatial OLAP applications;
> * Spatial OLAP as support for intelligent spatial
> analysis (data mining, multi-criteria, etc...);
> * Spatial data mining: algorithms and visualization;
> * New spatial data mining applications;
> * Coupling spatial data mining and Spatial OLAP;
> * Geovisual analytics, geovisualisation, visual
> exploratory data analysis;
> * Visualisation and modelling of track data.
> Authors Guideline
> Please adhere strictly to the formatting provided in the
> template to prepare your paper and refrain from modifying it.
> For formatting information, see the publisher's web site
> (http://www.springer.com/authors/book+authors?SGWID=0-154102-1
> Papers should not exceed 10 pages in Springer format. Papers
> longer than this will be subject to an additional charge.
> Shorter papers will be acceptable if they adequately convey
> the material to be described, and are not so short as to be
> trivial or lacking in depth.
> Submission
> Papers for review for the conference must be submitted
> electronically in PDF form using the PROSE online submission
> and review system access.
> You may submit a paper to “Intelligent Spatial Decision
> Analysis” Session selecting the session from a drop-down box
> when you submit the paper. Please ensure you select the
> correct session.
> If you wish to submit a paper to an Invited Session, and the
> session is not shown on the drop-down box, please wait until
> the session has been set up.
> Once the paper has been submitted you may check its progress
> by login in to the PROSE review system using the login
> details you have been supplied with
> (http://idt-10.kesinternational.org/prose.php).
> Proceedings
> Accepted papers will be published by prestigious publishing
> house, Springer Verlag, as book chapters in a volume of their
> Engineering Series and indexed in ISI conference
> publications, EI, INSPEC, etc.
> Outstanding papers will be invited to a submission in two
> special issues:
> * Intelligent Decision Technologies Journal
> (http://idt-journal.kesinternational.org/).
> * Journal of Decision Systems (http://jds.revuesonline.com/).
> Important dates
> 2 March 2010: Deadline for full paper submission
> 22 March 2010: Notification of acceptance
> 19 April 2010: Deadline for Camera Ready Papers 28-30 July
> 2010: ISDA '10 (IDT'10) Conference
> Programme Committee
> * Beniamino Murgante, University of Basilicata, Italy
> * Alessandra Lappucci, University of Pisa, Italy
> * Sandro Bimonte, Research Centre on Tecnologies,
> information systems and processes for agriculture (TSCF),
> Clermont Ferrand, France
> * Antonino Marvuglia, University College Cork, Ireland
> * Carmelo Torre, Polytechnic of Bari, Italy
> * Giuseppe Borruso, University of Trieste, Italy
> * Gennady Andrienko, Fraunhofer Institute of Intelligent
> Analysis and Information Systems, Germany
> * Menno-Jan Kraak, International Institute for
> Geoinformation Science and Earth Observation, University of
> Twente , the Netherlands
> * Karine Zeitouni, University of Versailles, France
> * Jose Norberto Mazón López, University of Alicante, Spain
> * Donato Malerba, University of Bari, Italy
> * Sonia Rivest, Laval University, Canada
> * Michele Ottomanelli, Department of Environmental
> Engineering and Sustainable Development, Polytechnic of Bari, Italy
> * Florence Le Ber, Ecole Nationale du Génie de l’Eau et
> de l’Environnement de Strasbourg, France
> * David C. Prosperi, Florida Atlantic University, Usa
> * Stefania Bertazzon, University of Calgary, Canada
> * Baris Kazar, Oracle Corporation, Usa
> * Alex Hagen-Zanker, Department of Architecture,
> University ofCambridge, UK
> * Maria Cerreta, University of Naples Federico II, Italy
> * Yong Ge, State Key Laboratory of Resources and
> Environmental Information System, Institute of Geographic
> Sciences and Natural Resources Research, ChineseAcademy of Sciences
> * Suzana Dragicevic, Department of Geography,
> SimonFraserUniversity, Canada
> * Arta Dilo, University of Twente, the Netherlands
> * Zorica Nedovic-Budic, School of Geography, Planning &
> Environmental Policy, UniversityCollegeDublin, Ireland
> * Allan Brimicombe, Centre for Geo-Information Studies,
> University of East London, UK
> * Massimo Di Gangi, University of Messina, Italy
> * Manfred Schrenk, Department for Urbanism, Transport,
> Environment and Information Society, Central European
> Institute of Technology, Austria
> * Roberto De Lotto, University of Pavia, Italy
> * Małgorzata Hanzl, Institute of Architecture and Urban
> Planning, TechnicalUniversity of Lodz
> * Fabio Luino, Research Institute for Geo-hydrological
> Protection, National Research Council, Italy
> * François Pinet, Research Centre on Tecnologies,
> information systems and processes for agriculture (TSCF),
> Clermont Ferrand, France
> * Andrea Taramelli, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory,
> Columbia University, Usa
> * Lalan Kumar, Central Institute of Mining and Fuel
> Research, India
> * Nicoletta Gazzea, High Institute for Environmental
> Protection and Research, ISPRA, Italy
> * Michela Bertolotto, School of Computer Science &
> Informatics, UniversityCollegeDublin , Ireland
> * Grazia Concilio, Polytechnic of Milan, Italy
> * Markus Wolff, Department of Geography, University of
> Potsdam, Germany
> * Nicola Masini, Archaeological and monumental heritage
> institute, National Research Council, Italy
> * Devis Tuia, Institute of Geomatics and Analysis of
> Riske, Univeristy of Lausanne, Switzerland
> * Giuseppe A. Trunfio, Department of Architecture and
> Planning - University of Sassari, Italy
> * Ivan Blecic, Department of Architecture and Planning,
> University of Sassari, Italy
> * Jérôme Gensel, Spatio-TEmporal information,
> Adaptability, Multimedia and knowlEdge Representation
> Laboratory (STEAMER), Grenoble, France
> * Maria Danese, University of Basilicata, Italy
> * Elke Moons, Transportation Research Institute, Hasselt
> University, Belgium
> * Paola Perchinunno, Department of Statistical Science,
> University of Bari, Italy
> * Christine Voiron-Canicio, University of Nice Sophia
> Antipolis – CNRS – UMR ESPACE, France
> * Rosa Lasaponara, Institute of Methodologies for
> Environmental Analysis, National Research Council, Italy
> * Pablo Vanegas, Centre for Industrial Management,
> Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
> * Massimiliano Petri, University of Pisa, Italy
> * Bianca Schoen, School of Computer Science &
> Informatics, UniversityCollegeDublin, Ireland
> * Farid karimipour, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
> * Shamim Akhter, National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, Japan
> * Luca Paolino, University of Salerno, Italy
> * Urska Demsar, National University of Ireland, Maynooth, Ireland
> * Maurizio Lazzari, Archaeological and monumental
> heritage institute, National Research Council, Italy
> * Dimos N. Pantazis, Technological Educational Institute
> of Athens, Greece
> * Bahaaeddin Alhaddad, Center of Land Policy and
> Valuations, Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain
> * Salvatore Manfreda, University of Basilicata, Italy
> * Francesco Rotondo, Polytechnic of Bari, Italy
> * Janusz Starczewski, Częstochowa University of Technology, Poland
> * Pasquale Di Donato, University of Sapienza Roma, Italy
> * Tao Cheng, Department of Civil, Environmental &
> Geomatic Engineering , UniversityCollegeLondon, UK
> * Christoph Aubrecht, Austrian Institute of Technology, Austria
> * Belen Palop, University Valladolid, Spain
> * Maurizio Gibin, School of Geography, BirkbeckCollege,
> University of London, UK
> --
> Beniamino Murgante
> _____________________________
> Beniamino Murgante, PhD
> L.I.S.U.T. - D.A.P.I.T. - Facoltà di Ingegneria Università
> degli Studi della Basilicata 10, Viale dell’Ateneo Lucano
> 85100 - Potenza - Italy tel. +39-0971-205125 fax +39-0971-205185
> Mobile: +393204238518
> Skype: beniamino.murgante
> e-mail: beniamino.murgante at unibas.it
> url: http://www.unibas.it/utenti/murgante/Benny.html
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