[Aust-NZ] OSM Licensing - [was Fwd: RE: Aust-NZ Digest, Vol 36, Issue 8] [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

John Smith deltafoxtrot256 at gmail.com
Sun Sep 5 22:32:41 PDT 2010

On 6 September 2010 10:12, Bruce Bannerman <B.Bannerman at bom.gov.au> wrote:
> Why does OSM feel the need to go to an Open Database License?

This is a complicated issue, the original reason given is that
copyright doesn't apply to databases, however copyright law covering
maps usually treats them as artistic works and automatically covered
by copyright regardless of the form it's stored in.

The matter is complicated further by the fact that some sections of
the community are pushing hard for CC0 or Public Domain style
licenses. while others are more interested in Share a Like. The
usually BSD v GPL style morals, both sides are right but they aren't
compatible ideals to have in the same project and as a result OSM will
most likely fork at some point in the near future.

> IMO, OSM has got ‘Buckley’s Chance’ of getting Government data released
> under an Open Database License in the foreseeable future, if at all.

Even if they did, the new contributor terms is vague enough to exclude
all imports.

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