[Aust-NZ] Melbourne FOSS4G training options? [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Jody Garnett jody.garnett at gmail.com
Thu Aug 28 15:59:03 PDT 2014

I expect you may be familiar with Boundless under their former name of OpenGeo?

As part of being spun out as a standalone company in 2013 the organisation is now called Boundless. The software stack (PostGIS/GeoServer/GeoWebCache/OpenLayers/QGIS) still retains the name "OpenGeo Suite". With new components, such as QGIS, being added at customer request (and as we hire expertise).

Aside: As a GeoServer developer I was happy to sign up with "one of the majors" last year, and am now working out of the Victoria (Canada) office.
Jody Garnett

On 28 August 2014 at 3:37:48 pm, Bruce Bannerman (b.bannerman at bom.gov.au) wrote:

Many thanks Jody.  

Can you shed some light on Boundless?  

From: Jody Garnett [jody.garnett at gmail.com]  
Sent: Friday, 29 August 2014 8:06 AM  
To: aust-nz at lists.osgeo.org; Bruce Bannerman  
Subject: Re: [Aust-NZ] Melbourne FOSS4G training options? [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]  

Boundless has online training/certification available<http://boundless.talentlms.com/catalog> at a reasonable cost. My understanding is these videos/workbooks are being extended to include new suite such as QGIS.  
There is more extensive options available for onsite training<http://boundlessgeo.com/resources/training/#onsite>.  
Jody Garnett  

On 24 August 2014 at 9:52:37 pm, Bruce Bannerman (b.bannerman at bom.gov.au<mailto:b.bannerman at bom.gov.au>) wrote:  


I’m looking around for organisations that may offer training in OSGeo / FOSS4G products.  

I’m particularly interested in PostGIS, GeoServer, MapServer, GeoNetwork, Thredds, 52 degrees north, QGIS, grass, gdal and other related environments.  

If you don’t wish to publicise you plans at this stage, I’d still appreciate a heads up via private email.  

While we don’t have significant training planned at this stage, I’d like to be aware of what we currently have in industry so that we can investigate and I can discuss with our internal training coordinators with a view to providing options for staff training.  


Bruce Bannerman | Manager, Geospatial Information and Access  
Bureau of Meteorology  

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