[Aust-NZ] FOSS4G-SOTM-Oceania: conference length and dates

John Bryant johnwbryant at gmail.com
Tue Dec 12 13:24:19 PST 2017

Hi all,

At our upcoming committee meeting, we'll hopefully come to some kind of
decision on:

   - conference length (for the 'conference' component, exclusive of
   pre-conf workshops and post-conf code sprint/hackathon/mapathon)
   - conference dates

Discussion around length, so far, has focused on 2 options, either one day
or two (for a total event length of either 3 or 4 days).

My personal preference would be to see two days for the conference proper,
as I think with both FOSS4G and SOTM components, and a broad region
(Oceania), there is the potential for a lot of content... I think one day
wouldn't be enough time to cover it without spreading across too many
competing streams/sessions.

One argument for one day is that it would be less of an organisational
burden, which is a fair point.

Surely there are other arguments for one or the other option, or perhaps
even additional options that haven't come up... it would be great to have
some input on this mailing list before we meet next week to make a decision.

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