[OSGeo Oceania] OSGeo Oceania board meeting notes

John Bryant johnwbryant at gmail.com
Mon Feb 17 16:11:12 PST 2020

Hi all, the OSGeo Oceania board had its monthly meeting last Friday, please
see meeting notes [1].


   - 2020 conference planning is well underway,  logo competition is now
   closed, starting to plan website & sponsorship drive. Thanks Jonah (2020
   conf co-chair) for joining and providing an update.
   - The Membership Working Group is working on arranging next membership
   intake, to kick off soon.
   - The Communication Working Group is in formation stage, working out
   details and will seek community participation. In the short term, this
   group will be working on a reusable website to support the conference in
   2020 and beyond.

We've settled into a regular monthly meeting time slot on the 2nd Friday of
each month, so our next board meeting is 13 March.

As always, if there are any questions, concerns, suggestions, please feel
free to get in touch on or off list.


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