[OSGeo Oceania] OSGeo Oceania Finance Committee - Call for non-Board Members

Alex Leith alexgleith at gmail.com
Tue Mar 23 16:00:47 PDT 2021

Hey Folks

There are currently four of us on the OO Finance Committee, Greg Lauer, Ed
Neerhut, Dionne Hansen and myself.

This is a call for others in the community who would like to help out! The
requirement is to attend an hour long meeting once a month, to have some
opinions on the finance policy [1] and to have input into annual budget
planning and report. Not a big impost, I don't think. Also, check out the
terms of reference [2].

Let me know if you have any questions or if you'd like to just come and
help out!

Kind regards,


[1] - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WtJGVLfbaaQ7j8G6hI86FJgFNFAgEv9X
[2] - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yNhl7VHz5kjPYEbcgqzY7hiUaR_0-uNH

Alex Leith
m: 0419189050
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