[OSGeo Oceania] OSGeo Oceania Board Meetings

Jonah Sullivan jonahsullivan79 at gmail.com
Mon Feb 21 14:09:52 PST 2022

I'd like to remind the Oceania Community that OSGeo Oceania's Board
<https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Oceania#Directors> has monthly meetings. The
meetings are videoconferences and they're open to OSGeo Oceania members to
attend. The meeting minutes <https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Oceania#2022> are
posted on the OSGeo wiki.

These meetings are an opportunity for members to raise issues to the Board
or suggest ways that OSGeo Oceania can better support the FOSS4G and
OpenStreetMap communities in Oceania. If you'd like to raise something
to the board, send me an email directly or to this email list.

There is more information about OSGeo Oceania initiatives on the
osgeo-oceania.org website:

   - microgrants <https://osgeo-oceania.org/funding/>(event funding)
   - Special Interest Groups
   <https://osgeo-oceania.org/special-interest-groups/> (QGIS and

Jonah Sullivan
Chair, OSGeo Oceania
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